beth piper
  • Female
  • Boise, ID
  • United States
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About Me:
I've had Alopecia Areata since I was 20. Within a month or two all my hair was gone and it devastated me. My hair was my favorite part of me. There was a piece of me missing and I didn’t know what to do without it. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore. Before my hair fell out almost nothing got me down. Afterwards it was as if the light inside me died. I really struggled with my identity and didn’t know who I was anymore. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person staring back at me.
My boyfriend at the time was in the military and deployed. He didn't believe me when I told him all my hair had fallen out. We later got married and had a child. He was not supportive and didn't understand what I was going through. He would tell me to just get over it. He became abusive and I left him because I knew I deserved better. We ended up joint custody and my ex got primary. I didn't have a job, a place of my own, or a car at the time.
Over the years I struggled with depression. There were times I didn't leave my house or I stayed in bed all day. I didn't like attention and was shy before all this happened. Even at my work place I would have people ask me if I had cancer or they would assume I did. I got tired of wearing wigs to work because they were hot and itchy so… I wore a hat at work. This customer had to point out that I had a missing spot he could see.
I had people ask me… “Why do you wear a wig?” When people were not asking they were usually staring. I got all kinds of weird looks wither I wore a wig or not. Sometimes I even got glares. I had one girl when I was out with friends try fight with me because my friend and I were just standing next to her. She said we were too close to her and she didn’t like it. She yelled out at least I’m not wearing a wig!” I have even had a guy question if I was a girl because I was wearing a wig. I dated a guy for a while that would say things like you look so different without hair. He would want me to wear my wigs around him. Those type of words really hurt me though. I would think to myself…I’m still a human for crying out loud!!!
I would get offended and mad by peoples questions and assumptions, or if they pointed out that I was wearing a wig. I didn’t want to talk about my struggle because tears would flood my eyes. The past 7 years have not been easy and they were dark and depressing but I’ve survived. It’s been hard for me to accept myself this way but I am still me. I’ve realized my hair does not change who I am. I have become a stronger person because of it. Some days I still struggle but I have come a long way.
I didn’t have anyone at the time that understood what I was going through. It’s great to know I’m not alone and that there are others like me. I felt I was the only one that struggled so much with this disease but I am not.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 2:48am on August 30, 2013, Chad said…
Beth, thanks for adding me. Your story is very similar to mine. Life is what you make of it, email me at, if you every wanna chat
At 4:33pm on August 25, 2013, Amy-Rose said…

Hi there,

Thanks for the friend request. I have just read your 'about me', and boy has it hit me. Mine fell out over a couple of months too, and my partner hasn't been the greatest. Always telling me that it's just 'hair'. All of us here on Alopecia World have a similar story and are all struggling—but we are here for each other. You aren't alone, keep smiling and show the world that you don't need hair to be a beautiful person :)

At 5:08am on March 3, 2011, Maya :) said…
Hey how are you? how are things with you?
At 7:22pm on February 9, 2011, patricia mazzaro said…
Beth your pictures are great. I have had alopecia since 19 3 times bald and never had all my own hair again so I wear wigs all the time except in the house .Lets keep the faith and hope for a cure Pat
At 4:29am on February 1, 2011, Maya :) said…
Hey beth. How are you?
Ahh your like me, i am glad that someone knows what i delt and what i am dealing with. I was born with it. I was born after the war. But i do get ppl who have alopecia areta. To tell you the truth I Recently Knew What I got. I Found out last year! So I am glad that the 'thing' I have isnt something scary... you know?

You have eyelashes and eye brows like me, even your scalp is like mine but the only difference is i have fine hair but its like a 'v' redcuing hariline... I think some ppl in this site have it as well.... I finally knew that...

My hair doctor, told me " maya what you have is alopecia... " I was like O.O ohhh

I have tried everything, and everything was expensive...So till now i didnt give up but I might be trying chinese herbs.... I dont know if it'll work but its not a crime to try....

Yeah I have suffered, cause where i lived ppl were shit till now they are, they only care about the look... and before i thought this was genetics or i thought i was sick.... but now I dont think that way i know what i got...

Dont worry you have friends in this site... And im with you :)

Your very pretty with and without your wig!!

Sorry to say but your boyfriend needs to get his head out of his ass because what he told you was stupid, and very dumb...! dont worry my partner has his moments.... and i argue with him and tell him " you have no idea what i am feeling right now chris! "

I know how you feel... I sometimes have my sad and depressed off days.... but when i think of you guys i feel that im not alone :) i have ppl like me...

I hope we chat soon!! xoxo hugs!!
At 11:55pm on January 19, 2011, Maya :) said…
Hey how are you?
Its a very good site!
Your really pretty with and without your wig.. its true..
I got the uni alopecia.. check my profile out! :)
At 7:55pm on January 14, 2011, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Beth!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann
At 5:52pm on January 13, 2011, Paige A Schuck said…
ya i have had it since i was 6. either i tell guys right away and they just stop talkin to meor just want to have sex and nothin else or i wait and we are dating and they find out and they dont want to be together any more


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