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  • Morrison, CO
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i am 25, living in Denver Co, and found out that i have Alopecia from my hairdresser November 2011, first i didn't make a big deal about it but then like always would go see my stylist every 6 weeks and of course i was always nervous because she would always point out more spots or that the ones from last time are getting bigger.currently at this point it only seems to be going quicker now then ever before and im terrified!!!! im not beating myself up about it, over researching............ of course i have alot of stress in my life ( who doesn't) but im stressing out about this more than anything i feel like its a lose lose situation. when i talk about having alopecia it feels like im saying i have cancer, that is nonsense and insensitive but going from never having a health issue to this i dunno it makes me feel like anything could happen next AND i cant stand people in my life saying "its just hair, you can wear a wig" nothing hurts more than that because if it was them they wouldn't feel that way!!!!! over it!!!

well im on here because i cant sleep and feel the need to do this for advise and to read what others are saying about how its effecting them. some helps , some scares me more. im reading the word depression over and over ,and that's my biggest fear. this is only the beginning and i can only try natural methods, if nothing works then it wasn't meant to be for me , and ill have to learn how to deal with it in a positive way, really on my own.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 11:25pm on September 9, 2012, jessica said…
I have 2 kids and don't want anymore! Lol I'm good.
At 1:22am on September 4, 2012, jessica said…
Haven't been on in awhile but I just wanted to come on and say Ive been using rogain for 3 months and most of my spots are filling in or filled in. I can't believe it and all because I ran into a girl with the same problem as me and she used rogain and regained all her hair back. So if you have only a few spots to fill in I would say for $50 bucks its worth giving it a try.
At 5:48pm on June 19, 2012, Tallgirl said…

Rogaine-type products have warnings about sterility if you become or want to or expect to someday become pregnant. Ask an ob gyn.

At 7:11pm on May 24, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Jessica!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann

At 12:51am on May 18, 2012, ChrisM said…

Hi Jessica

I'm sorry you are feeling so low. Like you I emerged onto this scene of alopecia in November 2011 with a tiny little patch on the crown of my head, about the size of a small coin. Whilst I haven't developed lots of patches, my one patch has grown into one huge patch about the size of my (small) hand. It now covers a big enough area that It is impossible to hide and I have to wear a wig. It feels an incredible journey in such a short space of time. I haven't told lots of people but those that know have been really supportive. Like you say stressing about it won't help and probably won't change the outcome but being pragmatic and dealing with the practical problems it poses becomes more of the issue and very time consuming. I have found support groups such as this one invaluable and certainly helps put ones feelings into perspective in that there are so many others out there with the same condition and they find a way through it, even if it means life changes as a result. Do look for a support group near you or even start one. I'm hoping to visit one in the next month. Stay strong, you will get through this, you are not alone. Feel free to email me if it will help

At 10:44pm on May 16, 2012, Sarah said…

Sorry I meant... I live in Aurora, CO

At 10:43pm on May 16, 2012, Sarah said…

Hi Jessica, you are right about people being insensative when saying it's just hair, it'll grow back or get a wig... I'm in the same boat and miss my hair so much. I'd give anything to have it back, along with it... a quality of life. Depression is no joke and does accompany this condition no doubt for me, especially being a woman. This has destroyed my life. But as many say, life is what you make it... so don't be like me. Also, I life in Aurora, and there's another lady on here (Amy) who lives in Morrison I think... if you ever want to get together or talk, I'm here for ya :-)-Sarah K.

At 9:07pm on May 16, 2012, Matt said…

Jessica. I can relate to a lot about what you are saying. I have had alopecia for close 5 years. It started when I was 24. As for me it was pointed out by my buddy ( his wife HAD alopecia) Mine started small but eventually spread. My eyebrows were lost for about a year as well. That was no fun at all. I understand when you say you feel like people look at you as if you have cancer, I too feel the same. I learned by explaining it to people closest to you and being open about it helps self esteem. My eyebrows have mostly came back but I still have bald spots in some places. I know it really hard but if you ever need advice or need to vent I'm sure everyone on this site will be more than willing to listen. Including me. Stay strong. :)



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