RE: How do you know if you are going from AA to AT?

Hey there everyone,
Does anyone on this site had the experience of having AA and then it turning into AT? If so, can you share your experience and how fast it happened? I'm just not sure if I'm turning for the worse now, it sure feels and looks that way. I've been shedding more and more everyday and my hair is feeling REALLY THIN now! I'm scared out of my mind and everything in me is in a shock-mode. I just want to know what to expect is this what is happening to me. Thanks.

Views: 4

Comment by Lee on August 21, 2008 at 1:51am
yeah...I had AA a few times...and I thought I had it agian. However, I was losing at a very fast rate. I lost all of my hair in about a month. I guesss you just have to wait it out and see what happens...hope for the best but prepare for the worst. I wish i was more prepared when it happened to me.
Comment by Carol on August 21, 2008 at 9:07am
I had AA for about 12 years before I became AT. Like Bogie said, it came out in huge clumps before everything fell out mostly in the shower and on my pillow. Alopecia is different for everyone though and it will happen at its own pace, no one can predict what will happen. I strongly suggest you find a support group to attend, they will help you through your struggles and will understand fully what you are experiencing.


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