Being Bald is Wonderful, I don't know how I survived this long without shaving my head. I've learned so much about myself and others, especially as it relates to Baldness. Here's a list of a few of the amazing things I've learned about being Bald:
1. Alway use a multi-blade shaver (three blades or more) to shave your head, not only are they great for a smooth shave, but they will not nick and cut you like the single or double bladed cheapies. I learned this the hard way, I was scheduled to speak to clients and had shaved my head with a cheapie that morning, when I put the aftershave solution on it burned and tingled. I thought, "no big deal" but trust me, "BIG DEAL", lol. I spent the entire meeting rubbing my head, it itched, stung, burned, tingled, just plain drove me nuts. Needless to say, I did not speak at that meeting.
2. Always moisturize after shaving your head and applying bump relief. My head did not like being exposed to the sun and even with sunblock it became chaffed. I use Shea Butter to keep it shiny and moisturized.
3. Shave at night, for some reason, when I shave at night it last the entire next day, when I shave in the morning, I have a "5 0'clock shadow" by 3pm.
Every man I know has been giving me advice on shaving, they even buy me razors, I have so many, lol, they buy shaving gels too! One other thing, my son says when you shave your head it is as delicate as your face and you should treat it as such.
That's it on shaving, I still get the weirdest questions about my Baldness, sometimes I'm in the mood to explain that I have Alopecia and sometimes not, but it is always my perogative. I get as many compliments as I do stares, it's funny, I have a friend that is disfigured from burns he endured as a teen, I remember him getting as many stares when we hung out before I shaved my head as I get now...funny.
I noticed I cannot wear a wig anymore, they irritate the heck out of my scalp. I tried to wear one last week to an OBAMA rally, but I just couldn't bear it. So I went au naturele and was a "hit", lol. A woman approached me and asked, "I'm not sure who you are, but I know you're someone important, what's your name". I laughed and told her my name and walked away as she wrote it down. Oh and the Comfy Grip, did not work for me, it is supposed to hold a wig on a Bald head, it did not work and it cost almost $30.
I made a video of my new look called "The Great Baldini" and shared it with friends and family, they love it, I guess I have a silly side...okay, I do have a silly side.
Well that's it for now, more updates later, by the way, anybody know where I can find "scullies" for the winter?
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