Hey Fam, I'm on a National committee for the federal government, it is the National Civil Rights Leadership Committee. I received a notice that it is time to update the picture on our website and poster. After pondering for hmmm, let me see, 2 seconds, I decided to send a shot of the "GREAT BALDINI" aka me with my new Bald look. The poster is displayed throughout the country in every state, area office, the website is seen by thousands of employees. I expect I'll get questions, so far I've only gotten compliments on how nice the picture looks. (they missed the fact that my head is shaped liked a nuclear warhead) The link is listed below if you want to take a look, I'm the sixth one down. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/ncrlc/members.shtml

Views: 4

Comment by Linda on September 2, 2008 at 2:10pm
Thank you Angela, your vote of confidence for me is powerful!
Comment by Melissa Harris on September 5, 2008 at 1:42am
I think you are an amazing person and I am proud of you! Thanks for sharing with us!
Comment by Linda on September 5, 2008 at 2:46pm
Thanks Melissa!
Comment by Galvin on November 6, 2008 at 10:32am
Awesome!! You look great with or without the hair. Nuclear warhead....not ....LOLLOL
Comment by Donna Maria Edwards on September 24, 2009 at 3:13pm
Hello Linda, I have truly enjoyed reading your story. You had me in tears from laughter! I can related to just about everything that you have endured, only I have not worn the Bald Eagle to work yet. I'm still contemplating that. I just had my man to bald my head on 9/22/09, he is a master barber, so he knows what I should and should not use on my head. I'm in the process of showing my head to friends and family at this point. I will share more of my story with the group, once I get my page the way I want it. You are a beautiful sister and an inspiration to others. I know that B-more is full of women with our same story, and I hope that I can reach a few of them for good old camaraderie. I'm looking to do something the area where we can go bowling, to the park, fellowship at church etc, and leave the wigs at home. We can cry together, laugh and pray together. Life is too short to stress over hair. God Bless You! I will chat with you later.
Comment by Mary on September 24, 2009 at 3:48pm
Hi Linda - I was traveling when this was posted, and just now saw it. Congratulations! You look fabulous, and this is exactly the visibility that we all need so that bald women become a less unusual sight. Way to go!
Comment by Linda on September 24, 2009 at 11:56pm
Thanks Donna and Mary, it's an old post, my last day on the committee is September 30, 2009 but the poster has been in circulation for an entire year! I love being BALD, it gives me one less thing to stress about and you're soooo right Mary, it gives visibility to the fact that women can make the choice to be Bald, just like men and be just as comfortable with ourselves. Donna whenever you're ready to meet up, let me know, I'm right up the highway!


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