So I went wig shopping for the first was actually pretty fun. Got to learn about different types of wigs and try on different hair. I didn't buy yet, because I wanted to sit on the info for a bit to make a decision. But I'm pretty sure I know what I'm gonna do. The purpose of this 1st wig is just to have one that looks as much like my natural hair as possible...have it at home so that when that day comes that I wake up and realize I can't pull off the ponytail anymore, I'll have the wig there so I don't panic. So I don't want to spend a gagillion dollars on the wig that will be fulfilling this purpose. So the one I'm pretty much decided on is a synthetic and reasonably priced. If and when the day comes that I need to wear it, I can at least take the time to decide if I even like wearing it before investing a ton of money in a nice one. So I'll probably go next week and pick it up. I'll post pics when I do. :)

Views: 17


Comment by Kristen Ridenhour on June 13, 2008 at 11:51am
I'm glad you had a good time. I don't wear wigs now, but I remember the first time I went to look at wigs was a disaster. It probably didn't help that alopecia was still really new to me and I was still trying to figure things out. It sounds like you have a good plan and be sure to post pics when you decide on one! :)
Comment by Mandy on June 13, 2008 at 11:53am
Don't get me wrong - it's still new and very scary to me. Just trying to have a little fun with it. ;) I think if I do end up needed the wigs and like wearing them, that I'll have several and switch styles/colors daily. I just think that'd be so fun. LOL.
Comment by kastababy on June 13, 2008 at 9:01pm
I'm glad you had a good time -- you do you!!!

Me personally, I hate wigs and always have -- they have always been too hot and itch too much for me, but if that's what you want, then go for it! BTW, I love how you have a plan for when you have to wear it!!!
Comment by kastababy on June 13, 2008 at 9:01pm
Love the gamer layout, by the way!!!
Comment by Mandy on June 14, 2008 at 9:25am
I hear ya, YoKasta...I have a feeling that the wig thing won't last long with me. I feel like I have bald headed rocker in me waiting to come out. LOL. But I'm just trying to be prepared because I'm guessing that when the time comes that I can't wear my own hair...I will probably freak out a little despite how cool and calm I feel now. So I want to have this wig as a safety just in case I freak out. From there I figure I will either like wigs and go get a nicer one...or it will last like a week and I'll say "screw this!" and rock out bald headed henceforth. :)
Comment by Lolin on June 14, 2008 at 6:11pm
i don't know if you know this but your insurance may cover half or more of the cost of the wig. or cranial prostetic as they may call it. i got a human hair one and i wear it everday and it's still in really good shape and i curl it and do other things with it too. i had it trimmed once too. go all out :-)
Comment by Mandy on June 16, 2008 at 11:31am
I can't even get my insurance to cover my dermatologist visits with the steroid treatments...I'm kinda doubting they'll cover a wig. I will certainly try for it though.
Comment by Samantha on June 16, 2008 at 5:49pm
Hey Mandy...where did you end up going? How did you like the place/people?
Comment by Mandy on June 17, 2008 at 3:10pm
I added all the details in the Chicagoland group. ;) Thanks for asking - spurred the 1st topic for the Chicago group. Woot!
Comment by Danna on June 18, 2008 at 1:34am
Hey Mandy-mo I hope you don't mind if I call you that. If you do just write and tell me. I know that wigs can be a love-hate thing. I just finally decided that I don't mind wearing them, and so well, I'm gonna have fun with this thing. Just pick out something youthful and remember why you are wearing it is because you want to express yourself. Have a good time. Just bought a CD on-line. Keep smiling.


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