There's a television show called "The 7pm Project". It's like a news program, but run by comedians. Its very clever. They have a "guest expert" on each night, the Bondi Vet, a very handsome doctor, social commentators, financial dudes, whatever. Tonight the doctor was on.
They had a story on "Bald Fear", what men in their twenties apparently go through. I immediately went to their website and posted the following.

"I saw tonight your story on "Bald Fear" and had to comment. I've been bald for 13 years. I'm a 17 year old girl. Alopecia areata affects men and women, young and old, around 1.7% of people. The hot doctor should have told you that."

And I think its bloody hilarious :D

Views: 4

Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on May 12, 2011 at 12:52pm
Good for you!
Comment by Norm on May 12, 2011 at 12:56pm
So what was the gist of the prog - how do they reckon guys in their 20's regard going bald these days? I'm curious cos I started losing my hair at 18, and it'd all gone from the top by 24.... it never bothered me, even though it was back in the '70's when it wasn't cool for fellas to be bald.
...although I think I can guess the answer from the title of the prog..... :)
Comment by Georgia Gardner on May 13, 2011 at 8:08am
Basically it showed both some guys that were really worried about going bald, some in laser treatment and some who were shaved and happy. It was actually not too bad a report, what with different points of veiw. And because so many young men were scared of what women thought, they "hit the streets" and asked a bunch of young pretty women what they thought. They all said they didn't care, most of them saying it can be pretty hot :P and there was a phychologist and stuff.
but yeah, all pretty fun. its a good show.


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