Hey all.
Yet another small thing I feel like sharing.
I went out to a club bald. :)
like, no scarf, no hat, no hair bald, to an alcohol filled, too loud doof-doof music club. First time ever, and it was awesome.
I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I think clubs are fairly high pressure anyway, with all the guys looking to find girls, and the girls all dolled up so that they can find guys or at least look better than the other girls. I figured if I can be…
Added by Georgia Gardner on August 3, 2012 at 8:42pm —
We get a lot of blogs here with people overjoyed about regrowth, or upset because of more hair loss, so this might seem a little backwards. Bear with me.
I've had alopecia pretty much forever, but I've been growing random patches for the last five years or so. Of course this made me happy at first, but after a year without full growth and having to shave to keep wearing my wig, it was just an annoyance. I've become slightly jealous of people with totally smooth heads.
Added by Georgia Gardner on July 11, 2012 at 10:06pm —
Hey all,
It's been a while. How y'all doing?
I've never really been interested in the medical side of alopecia. I've never bothered with any medications or injections so I've not done too much thinking on it.
At the moment, I'm doing a little research. Does anyone have some good information on how alopecia affects the fuction of the immune system? I mean, on its affectiveness against infections and viruses? I know that I tend to get sick a lot more than any of my friends,…
Added by Georgia Gardner on April 24, 2012 at 11:25pm —
1 Comment
So I just started college and for the moment I'm wearing my wig full time (cos its gorgeous and short and its a little easier to get to know people). I plan to wear my scarf after a few days so that the alopecia card is introduced early. But I think I've met a guy who may become more than a friend. I don't want to scare him off, but i really don't like the idea of hiding my alopecia. I was wondering how other people handled similar situations or any advice?
(And yes, I know the whole…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 20, 2012 at 9:00am —
I feel like sharing - I just got my offer to Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne studying a Bachelor of Film and Television!!!! Moving to Melbourne!!! Woop!!!! So so happy!!!! :D
Added by Georgia Gardner on January 16, 2012 at 1:16am —
1 Comment
I was in town today, hitting the post-chrissie sales with my dad. I wore one of my pretty triangle scarves. We stopped for coffee and sat outside. Amoung the many people walking past was a family with a little girl in a pink dress who kept staring at me. Little Girl said the best thing ever. "Is that a pirate?".
Then she walked into a post. Which was only funny because she wasn't hurt.
But I love that, the kid logic. Scarf = Pirate. Completely awesome.
Added by Georgia Gardner on December 27, 2011 at 11:30pm —
I've been away for a while. Busy, with all of those things and stuff, but thought I'd pop in and beam an update into the yonder.
I attended HairExpo2011 this long weekend with the lovely ladies (and men) of the Australian Alopecia Areata Foundation - I've been calling it the AAAF (pronounced "arf" :P ). It was fantastic! I met some of the nicest people, got to spread the good word about alopecia, and hugged some total strangers. A little exhausting, but awesome. It was also the first…
Added by Georgia Gardner on June 15, 2011 at 7:35am —
There's a television show called "The 7pm Project". It's like a news program, but run by comedians. Its very clever. They have a "guest expert" on each night, the Bondi Vet, a very handsome doctor, social commentators, financial dudes, whatever. Tonight the doctor was on.
They had a story on "Bald Fear", what men in their twenties apparently go through. I immediately went to their website and posted the following.
"I saw tonight your story on "Bald Fear" and had to comment. I've…
Added by Georgia Gardner on May 11, 2011 at 6:00am —
I've now lost around 80% of my eyebrows. Joy.
I've been augmenting them - because they've been really pale and thin for a while - with a brown eye-liner pencil and it's been working well, but till now i've had enough hair to use as a shape guide for drawing on the brows.
I've heard about stensils and stuff, but I don't really understand how they work or where to get them. Can anyone help?? I know there are a few blogs and discussions up like this but am having trouble finding them :P
Added by Georgia Gardner on April 1, 2011 at 7:48am —
So I've blogged something similar to this before, but I really need some of my alopecian sisters to help me out, if you can.
I'm writing a piece of theatre about alopecia. I want to tell the real stories of people living with alopecia, who have it now, who have had it, whose children have it. I want to tell your stories. If anyone's interested, I would really live to hear from you (and thankyou so much to those I have heard from already). I want to know about when you first found your…
Added by Georgia Gardner on March 20, 2011 at 7:00am —
My new wig arrived Thursday. Absolutely gorgeous! very very long chocolatey brown colour. I'll post a photo at some point.
I got it, I loved it. It was brilliant.
And I was a total mess all day.
I'd be totally fine one minute, then all panicy and sad and angry the next. Then I'd be fine. I had no idea what was going on for quite a while.
Then it kind of struck me:
Imagine holding the thing you want most in your hand. Imagine getting that thing which will…
Added by Georgia Gardner on March 4, 2011 at 11:09pm —
I had AU when I was first got this, eons ago, but now I have AA (fuzzy regrowth at the back meaning i have to shave it every few days) - and more importantly, eyebrows.
I am so damn glad I have eyebrows and long eyelashes. really.
But now my AA is changing. I can feel bits of my regrowth shrinking over the last couple of weeks. I had a sideburn type thing down near my left ear which is now gone and there's an empty spot right at the crown of my head. Now my patches have…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 25, 2011 at 7:36pm —
My mum hates the fact I'm bald. She's embarassed by it.
I was in Sydney for a few days with my drama class and had the best time in my scarves, not my wig. My friends dont mind talking about my alopecia and I felt - and, dare i say it, looked :P - great. Whenever we were just around in the hotel, I didn't wear anything, aound the girls at least, and everyone was fine with it.
It made me realise how much pressure I feel from my mum to wear my hair.
It's currently…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 18, 2011 at 5:45am —
For one of my school subjects, I do french. The course is by distance, so I've never seen my teacher, though we talk on the phone. One of the units, we learn how to discribe people, or ourselves, in french. For the last year I have written "mes cheveux sont teints en rouge" - my hair is dyed red, which my wig is. The other day I finally did it. My workbook now says "Je suis chauve. Je vais l'alopecia." It seems a silly thing to be so excited about, but it feels really great. Something about…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 6, 2011 at 2:45am —
1 Comment
Students in their final year of high school in Australia sit the HSC. Drama students are required to present an individual project In my case, a performance.
I've never really publicly dealt with my alopecia and am in the process of designing a dramatic piece to deal about my own feelings and what it is to be an alopecian.
As part of this, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me their alopecia story, or a story from their life relating to their alopecia. I wish to…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 1, 2011 at 12:00am —
I went bald when I was four. As far as ages to get an incurable illness go, four isn't bad. I have photos of silky blonde locks, but don't remember what I lost. I think that's a good thing.
It's pretty much the usual story - bald patch, size of a coin, doctors, comb-overs, blood tests (I still have the toy stuffed cat the red cross people gave be 'cause I wouldn't stop crying for those.) We tried a bunch of stuff - herbs, massage oils, etc. I have to thank my mum, a GP, that she refused…
Added by Georgia Gardner on January 23, 2011 at 8:23pm —