I had AU when I was first got this, eons ago, but now I have AA (fuzzy regrowth at the back meaning i have to shave it every few days) - and more importantly, eyebrows.
I am so damn glad I have eyebrows and long eyelashes. really.
But now my AA is changing. I can feel bits of my regrowth shrinking over the last couple of weeks. I had a sideburn type thing down near my left ear which is now gone and there's an empty spot right at the crown of my head. Now my patches have patches.
I can deal if all my head-hair goes. In fact, I think i'd be more comfortable sporting smooth and shiny scalp than my half-fuzzed globe. I wouldn't mind not having to shave my legs.
But my eyebrows!
I'm so worried that if my alopecia changes I'm going to lose them.

Now I'm fairly self-confident. I'm not one of those teens that lives on carrots and air and swoons if I gain a half a kilo. I'm very body confident - because my body rocks (doing many many hours of martial arts does that). But i'm also realistic - and I don't have the world best face. I'm okay with that - I have really pretty eye colour and am brilliant as using makeup, but without my eyebrows and eyelashes....

I'm gunna look like a martian :(

Views: 21

Comment by Mackenzie on February 25, 2011 at 11:30pm
I don't know what you look like , but I doubt you will ever look like a martian . I have lost some of my eyelashes . If my alopecia changes, I'm ok with losing more hair . I would not cry if I lost the leg hair . LOL But I don't want to lose all of my eyelashes . Eyebrows need to stay because I doubt I could draw them on . haha .
Comment by Mary on February 26, 2011 at 12:07am
Yes, losing my eyebrows was somehow harder for me than going bald. I got permanent makeup, eyeliner and brows, and it's worked out well for me.
Comment by Carol Sue Cain on February 26, 2011 at 12:53am
I completely agree about the eyebrows. I missed them when they were gone. Now I have them back (sort of) and I'm feel so much better...but I think the universe is teasing me. :)
Comment by Pamela Rosse on February 26, 2011 at 6:37am
Yes, losing my eyebrows & eyelashes was much harder on me then the loss of my hair.
I too go permanent makeup, eye brows, I admit to being a chicken when it comes to the eyeliner. I have found Boots eyeliner works for me, it stays on & they have great colors.
A very close friend once asked me, if you could choose & get the hair on your head back or your eye brows & lashes what would it be? I responded quickly, my eyebrows & lashes, no more mannequin girl.
As we say around our house "be brave little buck-a-roo" :) sometimes easier said then done but I sure try.
Comment by Angie on February 26, 2011 at 8:16am
well marshins can't buy eyebrows from head cover. You should check this website out and thannnnnnnnnn let's see if you can say marshin. Some of your sisters right here on AW have them. http://www.headcovers.com/cosmetics/eyebrows/

So okay cutie with the pretty eye color, let us know what you think about this websie. :-)
Comment by Georgia Gardner on February 26, 2011 at 10:56pm
Thanks everyone for your help and advise :)
I know i'll deal with it if it gets to that point. I was just having one of those "down" moments about the whole thing. you know the ones I mean :P
Having said that, if my brows do run away, I do expect pages and pages of makeup tips :P :)
thanks again all.

(and to angie - they seem really cool. i had a look at some of the hats and scarves on the site too - neat!)
Comment by Angie on February 26, 2011 at 11:04pm
:) Hugs!


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