My names Tina. I just turned 18, I was diagnosed with AA when I was 17. I really just want to talk to someone who is having the same struggles as I am. Its very hard not personally knowing anyone with this. I still have some of my hair, I just wish it was all of it. I'm so embarrassed to have to wear extensions, I try not to tell anyone. I will be honest: I completely HATE alopecia. Its been hard coming to terms with. I know I will eventually feel better about it. I see people on here that can shave their heads, and go out in public completely bald and be proud of it. And I feel so selfish since I still have some hair. Some people have it so much worse than me, and I feel like I'm being a brat for hating this so much. I've seriously considered a wig because I feel as if I will eventually lose more and more of my hair there's just so many questions I have about wigs: like how easily do they fall off? Some days I'm completely fine with AA, like I'm unique and its just something God thought I could handle. But other days, I hate the way I look. I get moody, and I'm scared I will never find a husband that is okay with my condition. My boyfriend now, of a year and a half still does not know. I've devated telling him, and I've also devated just ending things so he can be with someone who has hair and not have to deal with me. Halfway through my senior year I stopped hanging out with friends, and going to a lot of social events.. I didn't even go to my senior prom because of the excessive hairloss I was experiencing. I want to come to terms with this, and be happy with my appearance. I don't want to sound like a selfish little girl. This blog was just a way for me to vent and express myself considering everyone who knows I have this: does not understand. They say 'its just hair' blahhh :( I see all these people on here with way worse conditions than me, strong as can be. And I truly hope that I can find that strength, too.
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