Re: How long did it take before everyone decided to shave their heads?

(For ALL MEMBERS reading this on the site that would like to share their experience), how long did it take after being diagnosed did everyone decide to just shave all of their hair off? It seems like everyone got to that point after looking at most of the members stories. I thought a lot of people (at least 50%) keep most of their hair and can conceal their hair loss fairly well and eventually grow it back. I know that it can happen again though. I asked my doctors nurse if they thought I would loose it all and she said no, but now after reading so much about AA, I think she was lying. You cant predict this at all after reading everyones stories. I'm curious on this site itself, I wonder what the percentages of people are of AA, AGA, AT, and AU. I have met a lot of people with AU and AT on this site, and the rest seem like they had AA most of their lives and then just shaved their heads eventually. I would like someone to be truthful, once you have AA diagnosis, eventually do you loose the battle of keeping your own hair? Now if feel like I'm wasting my time with the shots, topical solutions, rogaine, vitamins and all the other stuff that doctors and people tell me to try. Should I just not to anything and see what happens or has anybody here had ANY success with treatments??? I also read from one member on this site, that if you stop the shots and have AA, you can become AT by stopping them, is that true?? I'm just feeling very frustrated now. I know live goes on, but this is like a living a nightmare everyday!!! If anyone can comment, I would appreciate it greatly. I know you are all going through it too, I'm just tired of this!

Views: 11

Comment by JeffreySF on August 16, 2008 at 2:53pm
Hi Melissa,

I went from one small spot to diffuse patchiness to massive hairloss withen 2 months then shaved my head. The pics are posted on my page.
The only treatment I am currently doing is 5% Rogaine twice a day and 5mg Biotin once a day (if I remember)
I had never even heard of alopecia before last year.
Sorry you are having a rough time but it does get better.

Comment by Linda on August 16, 2008 at 3:14pm
Every case is soooo different. I still have the original 3 spots I've had for the past 40 years. No hair under my arms or on my arms and legs, but I have thin eyebrows and thin lashes. My spots never grew in, not once. I had the acid treatment, the shots, the cortisone and yet, no regrowth. I see people on this site who have their hair grow back only to fall out again. So, I don't know what to tell you except what worked or didn't work for me. Once I decided to cut my hair in 2006, it took me until 2008 to be sure I was ready to do it. Now I am the proud owner of a "Bald Beauty" :-)
Comment by Carmella on August 16, 2008 at 6:27pm
Not being official 'Dxed' - I'm all about seeking information for myself - I'd say it took me about three or four weeks to bic my head. Mostly, however, because it fell out rapidly and it was very long (hence it was pesky/messy and broke the vacuum three times).
Comment by Melissa Harris on August 16, 2008 at 8:55pm
From the feedback that I'm getting, I think I better get used to the idea of being bald, it's just hard for me to wrap my brain around it. Cant feel my hair in the wind anymore and just be spontaneous, that just really hurts me. I guess my kids will get used to it too, but they like me better with mommy's hair. They like to play with it and brush it. It's just like a part of me is dead. I dont know you all, I'm just hurt right now...
Comment by Linda on August 17, 2008 at 12:52am
Melissa, I wish there were words to console what you're feeling inside right now, but there are none. We can all say we know how you feel, but no one knows how something affects the emotions of someone else. Having my hair fall out in spots when I was young allowed me to more readily accept it. I now embrace who I am and love it. I'm not saying I don't have bad days, I'm just saying I'm who I am in spite of Alopecia, not because of it. I am sending you a big sister "HUG", that's all I have right now, stay strong and stay blessed!


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