RE: Is there anyone that did not go completely bald??!!

I was just wondering, I have read so many blogs and mostly they are all about people who are mostly all bald that have Alopecia Areata. Is there anyone out there that lost some hair but grew it back?! Most stories that I've read are really depressing to me. I went to see a specialist and they told me unoffically that I have AA. I have been losing for about 3 months now. I heard the stats. 10% of the 2% of the population go completely bald, but there is still 90% that don't. Where are those people and there stories? Does your hair shed off and on for the rest of your life if you have this? This just seems (to me now) like a curse was put on me and I have to live in this nightmare forever. I would just like to hear if there are any people that grew their hair back and then went into remission. I know you cant predict what happens, but I guess I'm hoping that I will get my hair back instead of thinking that I will loose it all soon. Please help, this is scary, thanks.

Views: 59

Comment by Linda on August 7, 2008 at 6:24pm
Hello, when my hair fell out, I had two quarter size spots on either side of my head over my ears and one large spot, about the size of two fifty cent pieces across the back. In an attempt to stimulate hair growth a doctor put something on the spots on the back that burned a scab over them, hair fell out around them and when the area healed, I had no regrowth and the spot was larger. That was over 40 years ago, my hair never grew in, but it didn't fall out anymore than it had. My eyebrows and eyelashes were always thin and stayed that way. So if you have AA, maybe you won't have any more hair falling out.
Comment by Melissa Harris on August 7, 2008 at 7:52pm
I am 37 and this is the first time that I have gotten it. Seems like a lot of people on this site have had it since they were young.
Comment by Tony on August 8, 2008 at 6:11am
I have had a few quarter size spots here and there over the past ~20 years. Most grew back only to have others show up elsewhere at a later time. I did have shots when I was in my time in one spot only as they hurt like the dickens. All the spots grew back about the same time so, in my estimation, the shots didn't do me any good.

The last go around a few months back was different. I've lost over a third of my hair with a large patch on the side and most of the back now gone. About half of my eyebrows also fell out but they appear to be slowly filling in again. This is by far the worst episode of alopecia I've personally gone through.

It was impossible to hide that much hair loss short of a wig or a headwrap. Being a guy, I felt more comfortable shaving off what was left rather than wearing a hairpiece or a bandana. Everyone is different and this is a very personal choice. Believe it or not, shaving my head was a very liberating experience. I no longer wake up in the morning wonder how much more hair I will lose or have to fuss trying to hide the spots. So, I guess you can put me down as bald by choice...
Comment by Mandy on August 8, 2008 at 10:45am
Hi Melissa. Alopecia can come at any age and it is different for everyone. No, not everyone loses all of their hair. I have met (in person) many people that have had AA at some point in their life and had their hair come back and stay back. I have AA and have not lost ALL of my hair at this point. I did shave my head because I lost most of it. But I already have signs of regrowth...what I like to call my white fuzzies. :o) I know it's scary, but keep your chin up. This is NOT the worst thing that could've happened to you. It's just hair. :o)
Comment by Alexandra on August 8, 2008 at 1:40pm
Hey there, Melissa.
I understand your fear of going bald. It's something new and something you're not used to, therefore it's scary! But don't feel that just because you have AA that it is written in stone that you're going to go completely bald. Some people go through life with AA, meaning they just have a few bald spots. I know a few people who have bald spots and are able to cover them with certain hairstyles.
In some instances, however, AA can lead to AT or AU, but that's certainly not always the case. If you're that worried, though, you should go to a trichologist or a dermatologist and ask for a scalp biopsy. They can reveal about how much more hair you're expected to lose. Of course, they're no guarantee, but it never hurts to get one anyway.
Best of luck and keep your head held high! Confidence and strength are very important.
Comment by Melissa Harris on August 8, 2008 at 2:36pm
I did get a biopsy, just waiting for the results, I didn't know that they could tell by the biopsy how much hair you can loose, is that true?
Comment by amanda~ on August 8, 2008 at 5:52pm
Hey Melissa,
I agree with everyone else. It can be super scary and just like everything in life; there's ups and downs. Similar to others it all started with small spots that came and went and then later just went. I have alopecia universailis and have for 15 yrs now. I recall doing every imaginable proceedure in an effort to "fix" and "stop" the alopecia. Some worked temporarily and others were just painful with no outcome. Eventhough I, just like everyone else, has good days and bad days re: alopecia life I truly believe that g-d doesn't give us more than he thinks we can handle. It unfortunately takes a darn long time to figure out why each of us was given whatever we've been given. Keep on truckin' and you'll be able to handle whatever comes your way. Remember, we're here to help as well. Strength in numbers darlin'!
Comment by Carrie on August 8, 2008 at 7:40pm
Hi Melissa!
I had AA as a kid. Just one or two small (nickle size) spots on the back of my head. They grew back and it must have been in remission for about 20 years. When I was around 30 I got another spot. I went to the dermatogist for steroid injections and had regrowth. This pattern has continued for the last 4 years with the hair loss being relatively small in different places. The injections have been working well for me. More recently one spot inpeticular has been spreading and I have found 5 additional spots. I am still hopeful that with the steroid injections the regrowth will eventually catch up with the hairloss. But I also am coming to terms with the fact that it may not. From what I've heard AA is kind of unpredicable. I would say that so far I've lost about 15-20% of my hair. I hope I don't loose much more. But who knows?

AA is hard and scarry. Not knowing how much it's going to progress has been the worst part for me so far.
Comment by lauren on August 9, 2008 at 8:54pm
I have had AA for my entire life and i have never went completly bald and at one point most of my hair grew back and it looked like i had a full head for a while. It was like that for almost six years. And now im starteding to lose most of it. it just as you will find out unpredictable. If you need any one to talk to or whatever you can email me.


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