I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to practice being transparent. A good friend was recently transparent and revealed a lot of truth about himself. I'm just gonna be honest with who I really am. muhahaha.

1. I am the biggest crybaby. I cry over everything and about everything. A leaf falls and I cry.

2. I am a people pleaser and will run myself into the ground just to make somebody happy. I commit to things i cannot do and struggle with telling people the truth because i don't want to hurt them. I have a fear of people talking about me and people not liking me so I try my best to make everyone like me. it's an acceptance thing. i always feel like i have to be accepted in all circumstances.

3. I am a worrier. I worry about everything. Every time I get in my car I worry that it wont start or i wont make it to where i'm going, or I am going to get a flat tire. I worry about how i'm gonna pay my bills, I worry about not being an inconvenience to my roommates, I constantly worry about loosing my job or that somehow I'm going to be arrested even though I know I haven't done anything.

4. I love to work. I love being productive and I have a great work ethic. There's not a greater feeling to me than when i put alot a work into something and the results show..

5. i truly love my friends more than anything next to Jesus. I would do anything for them and though i never tell them enough that I love them. I would die for anyone of them and it breaks my heart and pains me to the core to see one of them hurt or going through trials. They are my family and they are they for me through the toughest of times, to pick me up when I'm down and to rejoice with me when I'm happy. They will never know how much they truly mean to me.

6. Im not a good actress but im a leader of a drama team????? only God.. only God.

7. i really enjoy the company of animals. You haven't truly experienced unconditional love until you have the love of a dog or a cat.

8. i don't eat yellow peanut m&ms because i felt sorry for the yellow peanut M&M because the little red guy always made fun of him.

9. I am afraid of commitment especially in relationships. I have a major trust issue.

10. I love to be around funny people. i love to laugh until i cry. There's nothing better in the world than laughing.

11. There are a small handful of men in my life that I consider 'great men' my roommate is one of them, my college minister and my pastor are the others.

12. I love the matthews twins as if they were my own sisters and most days i forget that they aren't my blood relatives.

13. I'm afraid of failure. when i make a mistake i get really really upset with myself especially if somebody else has to pay a consequence of my mistake. i dwell on it way longer than i should. One of my biggest fears in life is that i will be failure.

14. I just want people to be proud of me so I always go above and beyond what is asked of me.

15. at one time i had 52 pairs of flip flops. now i have one pair.

16. i hate the way i look. I hate everything about it. I hate looking in the mirror and I don't like looking at pictures of myself but i love taking pictures.

17. i struggle with judging beautiful women and men.

18. i fear being alone

19. I have de-tasseled corn

20. i have saved two peoples lives.

21. I have been at many deathbeds and have held the hands of many that have passed from this world. Sometimes it's so beautiful and sometimes its the scariest thing in the world.

22. I wish i was a rock star.

23. i have always wanted to live in Africa but im actually terrified to go.

24. it took me 5 years to get through college and i work at hobby lobby now.

25. I just want to be used radically by God.

Views: 6

Comment by Sam Sam on August 17, 2009 at 3:29pm
love this LOL @ # 6. love it!


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