Spring is here or so they say. Those of us near the Great Lakes haven’t seen much in the way of the sun yet or warm weather for that matter. Just rain and lots of it. Nevertheless, my body somehow knows what time of year it is. Nothing new as it seems each winter brings re-growth, albeit less and less each year. Then along comes spring, complete with intense itching and the all too familiar shedding of winter’s growth. I don’t mind the loss of hair…it’s the itching that drives me crazy.

My eyebrows are holding on, at least for now. I suppose that’s a good thing. Truth be told, I’m looking forward to losing the vellus hair on my head so I won’t have to shave as often. Funny how accepting I’ve become over the years. At first I kept track…from patchy AA to AT to AU, back to AT, then AU again. These days it just is what it is…life as I know it.

I had lots of plans for the spring but most of those were washed away with the more than 15” of rain we’ve had since March. Nothing in the gardens except for muck & weeds and the fence for the new pasture will have to wait until the ground firms up. At least the ducks are enjoying the weather. No worries. As a friend commented the other day, “it may be raining but at least I still have a living room to sit in and it’s not filled with mud.” Yep, I’ll give thanks as life could be a lot worse.

Sending prayers up to all those affected by the tornadoes & floods…

Views: 6

Comment by Libby on May 25, 2011 at 8:36am
We are just now getting our crops in the fields. That is late for us down here in the South! Hope the itching stops soon.
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on May 26, 2011 at 2:34am
Hey Tony, it has been a while! I have always enjoyed reading your blogs. They kind of make me feel like I should grab a warm tea and a blanket and read a chapter of "Tony's thoughts". Nice to hear from you.
Comment by Heather L on May 26, 2011 at 8:40am
Ha- Cheryl I couldn't have said it better myself! I totally agree.

Tony is the itching just on your scalp? I'm sure that is driving you crazy - ever thought to try using a shampoo with tea tree oil in it - just rub it on your scalp and let it sit for about 5 mins and then wash it off? Aloe works well with itching caused from bug bites... maybe could help? Aveeno makes an anti-itch lotion that works well too ( it has colloidal oatmeal - used that in the past for my dog's hot spots! ha - but really took the inflammation away)! Hydrocortisone cream? Only other thing I can think of that may help - up the natural anti- inflammories .... take extra flax and/or fish oil.

Keeping those folks affected by the extreme weather in my prayers too - can't even begin to imagine what they have been through!

Good to see you back. Hope the itching stops soon!


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