Celebrating International Alopecia Day: Join the Global Movement!



Every year on the first Saturday of August, people from around the world come together to celebrate International Alopecia Day. This special day raises awareness about alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and sometimes other parts of the body. Originally founded by Mary Marshall on AlopeciaWorld.com to unite individuals with alopecia, their families, friends, and supporters, it has grown over the years into a significant international event!


Join the global celebration and be part of the International Alopecia Day YouTube slide show!

Why It Matters:

-Raise Awareness: Educate others about alopecia areata and its challenges.
-Promote Acceptance: Showcase that beauty comes in all forms, with or without hair.
-Foster Community: Build a supportive network for those with alopecia.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Take Photos: Capture images on or near August 3. Casual photos are best—just a snapshot of Alopecians worldwide on this day.
  2. Be Yourself: Show yourself in a wig, bald, with patches, or in a hat or scarf. Represent yourself as you are!
  3. Include Others: Non-Alopecian family or friends can be included.
  4. Group Events: Make sure everyone knows their photo will be public on YouTube and agrees to it.
  5. Add Local Flavor: Include a sign with your location and, if possible, pose in front of a local landmark.
  6. Use the Correct Name: Your sign should say "INTERNATIONAL ALOPECIA DAY," not "Alopecia Awareness Day."
  7. Post the photo on your social media pages and be sure to tag/Hashtag: @InternationalAlopeciaDay and @AlopeciaWorld !
  8. Submit One Photo: Send only one photo per person or family. For group events, multiple photos are allowed if needed.
  9. Email Your Photo: To ensure inclusion, email your photo to internationalalopeciaday@gmail.com between August 3 and August 31, 2024. This guarantees permission and inclusion.
  10. Include Your Location: Specify your COUNTRY and, if in Australia, Canada, or the U.S., also your State or Province.
  11. Confirmation: Mary Marshall will reply to all emails as confirmation of receipt. The deadline is August 31, 2024, with the finished video online in September.

Final Thoughts:

International Alopecia Day is a celebration of resilience and community. Your involvement helps change perceptions and inspire others. Unite on August 3 to show our strength and pride, hair or no hair. Join the movement!


To view this years video, click below:


Views: 162

Comment by Abde on November 5, 2024 at 2:12pm



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