Even if we each feel like the odd duck out sometimes, we must admit that there are places, people and situations we love that make us forget we even HAVE alopecia. Family cabin around the fire? Reunion at an old favorite hang-out with familiar childhood pals? Coming home to a cozy evening with music known-by-heart, and singing like on stage? Sleeping in and then yakking on the phone Saturday morning? Coffee shop with newspaper? Eating homemade pies with aunts? Fess up. Where, what, whom is HOME to you?

Views: 3

Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on September 3, 2010 at 7:42am
My home, the place where I know I can truly be myself is at the cabin. It is so peaceful, I don't have to draw on my fake face there, I don't even look in the mirror and I don't worry about what I look like, which lately with no hair, no eyebrows or lashes I'm feeling like a freak! And I hate to say that but I have no inner love for myself these days. Yesterday it was so hot and humid my face was running into my eyes, and stinging so bad and eyes watering I couldn't see to drive, I ended up wiping my fake face on the sleeve of my shirt and I hope it comes out in the wash. I have to get back to the cabin...
Comment by Amy on September 3, 2010 at 8:42am
I am so lucky to have so many places and times that are home - all of my pals at work (I don't wear my wig - to effin' hot!!), family and old friends, and of course, my wonderful husband who rubs my head. :)
Comment by Petra on September 3, 2010 at 2:37pm
Me and my husband went for a bike (bicycle) ride yesterday. I had on my bandana and my helmet but I felt like just another girl (old lady) out riding her bike.
For any body that has pets they can probably relate to this, being with my dogs......the just don't care.
Comment by Tallgirl on September 4, 2010 at 5:33pm
I learned long ago not to use sprays on a wig, which can melt down into the eye-makeup on a hot day! Susan, we all love you enough that balance should swing our way on your roughest days! :)

My "home" lately? That voice on the other end of my phone line. What alopecia?!


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