I've always said I needed the bumper stick that says, "Mean People Suck". Not to get too into the whole background of the situation, but my step-father has a not so nice daughter that lives in Texas (we live in Virginia) who only talks to him when she needs money. My step dad Rick has had enough of it and told her so yesterday. Now I've only met his daughter 2 times in person, but we have texted off and on for a few years. I lost my dad in 2007 and was kind of pushing Rick to have some kind of relationship with Nicole, because I lost my dad and thought it was only right. Well after yesterday, I realized Rick made a good decision. She asked Rick for money, he said no, because he has given her SO much in the past wihout even a thank you in return. She starts texting him calling him HORRIBLE names, and then brought my mother into it, calling her even worse names (a whore was the nicest thing she said). So I texted her telling her to keep my mother out of it and to leave Rick alone. She texts back saying my dead father is ashamed of me. Now I know all she was doing was trying to get under my skin, but how can ANYONE say something about someones dead parent/family member? I ignored everything she said after that, getting like 10+ more texts in an hour. I woke up this morning with 2 more text from 3AM saying "I hope you believe in God, because your going to need him." and ANOTHER thing about my "dead dad". Sadly AT&T doesn't allow you to block ignorant people unless they are actually threatening you, and then they STILL charge you a fee. I've been trying to not think about it all morning and she did exactly what my mom and step dad said to not let her do, she got to me. She can say ANYTHING about me, I could care less...but bringing my family into it got to me. There is really no point in this blog, only to get out what I'm thinking and how frustrated this ignorant girl has made me. Hopefully now that my whole family including my step dads nieces and sister are ignoring everything from her, she will just stop and get out of our lives.

Views: 12

Comment by Pat on December 7, 2010 at 11:00pm
In my experience with family those who only contact you for money are either on drugs or have a mental health problem. Either way tough love is the only way to deal with them - believe me we have been down this road and as soon as you say 'no' to them you get crap thrown at you. 'whore' is the nicest of the words I've been called too. Try not to let it get to you although it's very hurtful I know. I used to visualise the person/s who say mean things behind bars with the words Insane Asylum written over their heads. Gave me some perspective. They are desperate and will say anything to make you feel guilty - don't fall into the trap Tamara. Hugs to you [[[[ ]]]]
Comment by Tamara on December 8, 2010 at 7:02am
Thank you everyone so much for your kind words. I Know my dad was never ashamed of me, he told me how proud of me he was. I'm ignoring her and her pointless and hurtful texts. I know I'm not the crazy one with a problem :)
Comment by Gail on December 8, 2010 at 4:42pm
Tell her to STOP contacting you, and if she persists, it is harassment and you have legal grounds to do something. In the meantime, know in your heart that Rick is a good man, that your deceased father was a good man, and YOU are a kind, caring person. Trust me kiddo....SHE is the one who is going to "need" God. In fact, she already does...
Comment by Marisa on December 8, 2010 at 11:29pm
You are a good person, so don't stoop to her level....serious mental issues I would say....and you almost have to pity the fool...God Bless ya Tamara...xoxo


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