I would like to start a support group in Indianapolis, IN. I do have the support of NAAF. However, I would like to get all the insight and advice I can get from experienced support group leaders. Help me to have a great support group from the very beginning. Tell me things that you had to learn along the way that you wish you would have known from the beginning. Tell me about your mistakes that you would want me to learn from. I'm planning to launch the support group in Sept for Alopecia Awareness Month.

Views: 15

Comment by Carmen Dayhoff on September 17, 2010 at 5:45pm
I'm happy to say that the Indianapolis Support group that I'm heading up for NAAF will be starting in Sept. Contact me privately to find out information of where and when if you are interested.
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 17, 2010 at 7:32pm
Hey Carmen,

I found that at certain times they can get a bit slow. So what we did was mix it up a bit. First, we ran our support groups from September-May, because we found most people were too busy in the summer. In between a couple of regular meeting we would have something like below:

- We started the year off with a Brunch, that usually brought the old and new members out
- Christmas party - beginning of December (not too close to Christmas)
- Set up some guest speakers
- Wig & Makeup event

In addition:
- I also did a newsletter 2x a year to remind people of the upcoming events. I would add a personal column of my thoughts so that your attendees got to know you personally, as well as a few other alopecia news items, useful links such as Alopecia World ;) and NAAF conference info.
- Send reminder of meeting to your Indiana group on Alopecia World
- Add you meeting dates to the events section of Alopecia World
- Start a email list of members, so that you can remind them before each meeting.

If I can think of anything else I will let you know.

Congratulations and good luck Carmen!
Comment by Carmen Dayhoff on September 17, 2010 at 7:40pm
Thank you Cheryl. I appreciate the tid-bits and will keep all of that in mind.
Comment by JeffreySF on September 19, 2010 at 12:30am
Hi Carmen,
Although I am not a support group leader I can share my experiences with you (and everyone).

Our group has regularly scheduled meetings at the same place and the same time
Members of the group are reminded by email of meetings through NAAF
We have a Dermatologist (Vera Price MD) attending most meetings for medical questions and answers
We have our support group leaders who are always present
Leaders start the meeting with an introduction and review of most relevent events
The meeting then goes to introductions of participants and welcoming first timers
Once the ball gets rolling everyone takes their turn and speaks about their experiences with alopecia
There will be tears and there will be laughter
It is going to be great!
Best of luck!
Comment by Carmen Dayhoff on September 20, 2010 at 6:19pm
THANKS Jeffrey! I appreciate the insight so much!

Hugz back to you, buddy! :)
Comment by JeffreySF on September 21, 2010 at 12:35am
Hi Carmen,
Feel free to ask me if I can help out in any way.
Be sure and let me know your progress.


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