I have a little story for you.

Well, I really don't like solicitors. One of the reasons I don't like solicitors or uninvited strangers at my door is b/c I usually don't have my hair on in my home and to answer the door I always rush to find and put on my wig. I allow myself to feel like a prisoner in my own home when I do this.

So today there was a knock at the door. I was urk'ed and decided I was NOT scrambling to get my hair on. So I ANSWERED THE DOOR WITH OUT MY HAIR. In my mind I was thinking "I'll show him!"

When I opened the door the guy introduced himself that he was from the Census Bureau and that he just needed to conduct an interview for the household. I told him I already sent it in. He looked a little frightened (probably b/c of my tone, not as much with my baldness),and explained to me that there were many that were lost. I know how important this all is, so I invited him in and the interview proceeded.

He was very nice. (And had a very high receding hairline himself.) He tried hard not to look at my head, but I caught him doing so a couple of times. lol

In the end I felt empowered that I did it. It turned out fine. I wasn't worried or sweaty. Or nervous. I had NO problem being myself being bald with a complete stranger.


I really meant it to be a laugh at first.
If it would've been a Kirby guy or some idiot selling something stupid, it would've gained a whole different satisfaction for me. But this was different. It was more like a growth.

Views: 27

Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 10, 2010 at 7:02pm
A little fun in your day eh Carmen? Good for you, bet that put a smile on your face and gave you a little boost of convidence.
Comment by Carmen Dayhoff on June 10, 2010 at 7:34pm
Loved it.
Comment by Norm on June 10, 2010 at 7:59pm
Hey, top stuff, Carmen! No wonder you're feeling good! :)

I think I know why he kept glancing at your head nervously. He was "covering up" (ho, ho) by using an excuse that he had to interview you - but the real reason was that he had to conduct a census to count the number of hairs on your head, and you caught him off-guard by being bald!! Not many people know that they do this with a sample of the population... he was from the Federal Organization for Logging, Licencing and Investigating Cheap-Looking Extensions.... or FOLLICLE, for short. Apparently the O'Bama (there's some Irish in there somewhere..) administration have introduced legislation making it illegal to look cheap and tacky without a permit.
All I can say is, I'm glad I live in England.... we'd never need anything like that on the books (yeah, right!!) :)
Comment by Carmen Dayhoff on June 10, 2010 at 8:51pm
u don't make much sense, norm. ur jus silly! i like to read ur stuff tho.
Comment by Pat on June 11, 2010 at 1:40am
Way to go Carmen! I so much admire you doing this....other than my immediate family no-one has seen me bald.
Comment by Norm on June 11, 2010 at 7:54am
Yep, you're right, Carmen, I do write lotsa rubbish.... trouble is, I've no idea where I'm going when I start scribbling, so anything can happen! :)
Can't even blame the beer, cos I don't drink much - so I guess it must be The Voices. Eeek!

Daniel's right, tho', - it's just a little further each time, till you're at the place you wanna be. Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, Grasshopper!
Comment by Mary on June 11, 2010 at 9:38am
Good for you, Carmen. As a woman who has gone everywhere bald for about 2 years, the thought of "hiding" my baldness from anyone is so strange now. I remember how I felt the first time I went to my mailbox bald, or the first time to the library, etc...but at this point it's just become who I am and I really don't think about it.

As I keep saying, the only way bald women will become less of a remarkable sight (the way bald men are now) is for more of us to be OUT there! It's up to us to make it happen, and I truly believe that we can do it. Take Daniel's advice and try that next baby step. Good luck.
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 11, 2010 at 9:59am
I hope to get to the place your at Mary and I'll get there someday, for now I still can't do the grocery store without my hat. One day, one situation at a time. But, I am going to be one of those bald women "OUT there".
Comment by Mary on June 11, 2010 at 10:15am
I know how hard it is - it took me awhile, and I did take it one small step at a time. I remember all of them. But somehow, it just kept getting easier to the point where it just feels normal - because it is normal for me.

Saturday, July 17 is the perfect opportunity to give it a try in a new location - International Alopecia Day. Be sure to send me a photo if you do!
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 11, 2010 at 10:19am
I will do that Mary, for sure!


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