I've never really wore a wig in public, always have gone to school without one. Normally the blogs and discussions on here are to help people go without one but I find myself scared to actually wear one! I think it will be weird to go to school one day without a wig and the next, BOOM, i have hair LOL. I don't know how to tell my family I'm considering wigs now either since they are very materialistic and will be TOO happy that i want to and make me not want to wear them again. I just don't know how to go to school with all of a sudden hair, eyebrows, and makeup, its such a drastic change I don't want to hear peoples comments. Any suggestions?
With Pat it was the other way round no-one had seen her without a wig for the last 20 years and suddenly appearing bald she was worried about the comments as well. You would think since we are both over 60 that comments would be like water of a ducks back but you still feel the fear of change just not a strongly as when you are 15. Anyone who is going to make a nasty comment is someone who does not like you anyway, those who are friends will support you in your choice. As for family and being "materialistic" not sure what you mean unless they are wanting to keep you from the world and its comments. It is interesting to see someone who is debating going out with a wig, for what its worth when Pat went bald down the beach and then posted a bald pic on Facebook it was a positive experience. Fear is a very powerful emotional it can trap us in bad place in my 61 years fear has prevented me from doing many thing i which I had it has also saved me from doing some very dangerous things as well. What you are feeling is valid and the fact you blogged about shows your ready to make your decision and that decision will made with support and advice you get from your post. Go for it Ash, on a scale of 1 to 19 with 10 being the end of the Universe and life as we know it where does wearing a wig rank with you. John
I like to wear my hair for fun! At first I tried my hardest to hide it! I didn't want anyone to know i was going bald!! One night i got so mad about all of this stupid alopecia i took the scissors and starting hacking off what long strands of hair i had left! It was the CRAZIEST thing i have ever done! But i felt great! I wore a head wrap everyday after that and now that everyone knows i'm bald i just wear my wigs for fun!! I get an extra laugh every time someone who doesnt know me tells me how cute my hair is!! Haha! One person asked me how i got my hair to look so cute saturday night & i said theres nothing money cant buy lol she just laughed and still had no idea it wasn't real!!
The first day was the most difficult for my daughter. She was fine after that. She was not AU at the time and it was a good match to her hair and noone seemed to notice. She was relieved. Most people are not very observant.
Thank you all for the comments!
Hi Ashley, I have had times that I have also struggled with the same situation. Whether it was to wear a wig to a wedding or what if I want to change my mind later on in my life. The thing is that we do have the choice as well as the right to change our mind at anytime during this journey. If you want to try something different, I would suggest that you go for it. Keeping in mind that you can not completely control others responses to your choices. Meaning you may get comments about your decision, but be secure in the fact that you made the decision that works best for you. Another member of Alopecia World, also bought up the same concern in another blog as well, you may want to read her responses thoughts and the responses to that blog as well.
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for sharing your fears about this! I've been in your place too. I started losing my hair when I was seven, and by the time I was ten, I was about 80% bald. I wore headscarves to try to hide it, but it was pretty obvious...I got my first wig at the end of the sixth grade and was really scared about showing up to school the next day with it because I knew people would stare and talk. But what was great was that my friends were still there for me, even though I looked different, and they told me I looked great and they liked my hair. As I got older, I contemplated not wearing a wig anymore, but I don't think it's superficial to wear one. I still do, and it's not because I want to "look good," it's just what makes me comfortable and I encourage you to definitely do the same! And your true friends will stick by you at school, don't worry :)
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