I have alopecia universalis.

I wanted to know if drinking (i.e., the consumption) of alcohol on a regular basis prevents recovery. I couldn't find any definite answers online as to whether it makes the hair fall out or not.

Please do reply.


Views: 828

Comment by Sharalexis on March 31, 2016 at 8:00pm

I have always had a bit of wine or light social drinker. However I went overboard due to depression in 2009 and had to cut it out all together. Ask your doctor to do a fasting blood sugar test if at all possible. And if your blood sugar runs normal I don't think an occasional spirit or wine or cordial would hurt (nor beer/ale etc :))

Comment by Cue Ball of Steel on April 28, 2016 at 2:55pm

Any sort of stress on the body makes the alopecia worse, as far as I understand. Alcohol is basically poison, so I'm sure it doesn't help. That being said, it shouldn't affect you too much. Definitely ask a doctor.

Comment by Georgie on May 9, 2016 at 7:23pm

I don't think so because there are children that deal with alopecia.  

Comment by Ithastogetbetter on May 10, 2016 at 12:07pm
Thank you for the responses!
Comment by AlopeciaAngel.com on September 19, 2018 at 7:42am

yes it does. You will need to detox from that and the other 6 inflammatory triggers. Have you tried the natural and holistic route? I only suggest this route, because it has given me results. After two years of trial and error- I have my hair and health!  (Thank the Lord and the Heavens) and am now on a mission to help others too. I have posted on my IG account, (same name) with so many articles about people doing treatments, meds, and all with no results or horrible side effects that have led to other illness and issues. I wrote a book and researched so much and am please to share that my client also see results. Try going holistic. It will take time, but your body will heal from the inside out. Don’t ever expect overnight success. No pill will give you that, bu rest assured, mother nature and natural healing has no negative side effects. Wishing you all the best. www.alopeciaangel.com for more info, pictures, testimonials, my story with pics and much more! 

Comment by Bill_Andrews on December 21, 2020 at 9:04pm

A lot of external factors influence the alopecia. The stress, the depression, anxiety, and all these combined with the alcohol, is very bad. I read on https://www.abbeycarefoundation.com/alcohol-rehab/ a lot of information about the alcohol addiction and how it affects our body. It is awful to read some stories about the addicted people. What have they been through and how they gave up on their good life, it is terrifying.

Comment by sampeckard on August 9, 2021 at 9:59am

Nope. As far as I'm concerned, drinking has nothing to do with alopecia. But, I know a friend of mine noticed that his hair started growing more quickly after quitting his drinking habits. So, maybe there actually is a connection between the two. As for me, I spotted that every time after drinking gin, my hair becomes drier. That may sound weird, but it's the truth, lol. By the way, since I mentioned "gin", I thought it would be nice to share this fabulous brand that sells fantastic gin decanters and gin Copa balloon glasses. All gin lovers should check it out https://baliandboo.com/collections/gin-gifts.


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