So my dermatologist says it's okay for me to dye my hair.
Earlier this year i acted on this advice, however i found that a lot of my new regrowth fell out when i was drying my hair (obviously after i had washed the dye out).
Actually, it didn't really fall out, it was more that i found the small hair on my towel after drying my hair. Like i had rubbed them off.

That was the first and only time i dyed my hair (it was a wash out dye, didn't have bleach in it).
What are your experiences with dying hair?

Is it actually okay to dye our hair if we have AA? Or am i right in thinking to stay away from it??

Views: 5758

Comment by Tallgirl on December 12, 2011 at 10:04am

My thinking is that we have it (alopecia) dormant, in our genes, and either some stressor or chemical change (food, water, medications, actual chemicals) in the environment must somehow trigger the hair loss. Therefore, I stayed away from dying only until I definately had AT and that white hair that results. I then dyed the hair at sideburns and hairline to match my wigs. When I found out that the WHITE roots grew too fast for me, I gave up and got a blond wig so at least any hairline or sideburn hair would match. I guess it is all up to you on how you think or want to take chances.

Comment by Kara on January 2, 2012 at 11:59am

My derma also said I could dye my hair. I haven't done it yet, but I was thinking if I got foil highlights where the chemicals didn't touch my scalp that might be better? I was thinking the blonde stripes would fool the eye because right now a lot of scalp is showing thru my hair on the sides.

Comment by Tracey Holt on January 11, 2012 at 5:10pm

I have AA, it started after I dyed my hair. The patches have grown back in except one which is taking it's sweet time, but I decided to bite the bullet and colour my hair again, after worrying that it would make it fall out again, and it hasn't made any difference. My patches are still full on new hair. The way I thought of it, was that if I had some sort of allergic reaction to the dye, then surely I wouldn't have just lost random circles (9in total), it would have all come out.xx

Comment by Tracey Holt on January 11, 2012 at 5:11pm

Ooh, and I had foil highlights the first time for the same reason...I didn't want the dye touching my scalp, but the second time I just slapped it on, and again, it has been fine. I do have one new patch, but that is completely unrelated.xx

Comment by Kara on January 11, 2012 at 9:35pm

I never did get a chance to do the foil highlights, I have lost so much hair that I have to wear a hat at all times. I have diffuse alopecia all over my whole head and you can see my scalp just about everywhere. I am hoping I am lucky enough that my hair grows back and then I can worry about what color it is! :-)

Comment by Tracey Holt on January 12, 2012 at 5:25am

Aw bless ya chicky, are you still losing or has it slowed right down now?xx alopecia is a b***ch sometimes. xx

Comment by Kara on January 12, 2012 at 11:00am

Hi Tracey, I just posted a photo today in my profile. It has been about 8 weeks now with my hair falling out at a constant pace. I wish I knew when it would STOP. The unpredictablity of this disease makes it even harder. Yes, alopecia is a b**tch!!! :-)

Comment by Tracey Holt on January 12, 2012 at 11:13am

Well done for posting it! You should be very proud of yourself. I think my hair loss started and continued for about 3 months, then stopped. So fingers crossed your will stop soon. You are very pretty so will be able to carry it off I reckon! I don't have the face for no hair lol, I would look daft. I think the unpredictability is possibly the hardest part, even though my hair grew back, I am shedding again and have a new spot that is filling in, but I am sure I will never be free of it!xx Just embrace it all, live life, love yourself. xx

Comment by Kara on January 12, 2012 at 12:47pm

Awww thank you Tracey!! I don't know what I would do without this website.

Comment by Cupid on November 14, 2013 at 8:06am

No do not dye your hair! The chemicals in the commercial dye triggered my AA. I stop using hair dye and all my bald spots are gone now. Thank God. 


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