Woke up this morning and just felt so sad. Yes sure I wake yp feeling like nothing is wrong but this morning was completely oposite,I;ve tried very hard not looking into my mirror but not sure why I did it , but I did it today in hopes to find little hair maybe? but I guess not my head is as smooth as a baby's head. Trefore I found myself crying and taking a tantrum wondering what I have done wrong.
Yeah sure I have been given some medication for what I am going through but I hate like hell to take them, I mean it's not like its gonna make my hair grow will it.
They say God has a purpose in life for us and that whatever he does is for a reason. But what's the reason for many of us who have no hair and who are going through a rough time.
Makes me question my faith!

Sad Lisa

Views: 7

Comment by Tallgirl on April 13, 2011 at 12:17pm
So, trust that SCIENCE and HUMANS may eventually figure this out, like they have some other conditions. Think of all the other generation over millions of years that have also had to wait for HUMANS to unravel causes and cures...or, at least, facts (even if a condition becomes permanent). Maybe all those trillions of others who went uncured on a million conditions/diseases over millions of years were the REASON that other humans were urged to study, invent, prescribe, test, hypothesize, prove, etc. We don't know where we fit into the alopecia puzzle, or how close a cure may be. But we are here to do something, contribute, love. Aren't those also gifts?
Comment by Beverly on April 13, 2011 at 12:48pm
Lisa, don't be sad :( I know how you feel. My hair loss is at my temples and crown area. I'm only 30 years old. My hair looks like a man's receding hairline. And, then the hair that is growing in is short, dry and kinky looking. I used to have thick, long, beautiful hair...stupid thyroid took that away. I would spend hours and hours looking in the mirror fussing with my hair trying to do anything to make it look better and then that would usually end in tears. And, when I say hours I mean literally like 3 hours sometimes. It's hard and I don't understand why hair is so important to us woman, but, it is. I have a little boy, he's just over a year. I spent so much time on my hair I was missing time I spent with him. So, now I'm done with my natural hair. A few weeks ago I think I entered the acceptance stage of my hairloss and am starting to wear wigs. I'm trying to stay positive. I mean just think; who else but us can wear a new hairstyle or color everyday and have a legitimate excuse?? We don't have to fuss with our hair anymore...just plop it on. Maybe we are the lucky ones that don't have to fuss with our natural hair anymore :) We can have any hair style we want!!! I hope you feel better soon!
Comment by R0BB on April 13, 2011 at 5:17pm
Hi Lisa -
Hey , allow me to join your PISSED OFF club today . Im feeling angry, depressed , uncomfortable and about a half dozen other adjectives that I probably should not type here.
GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just know that we all feel like this sometimes ... its normal. ( That looks good on paper ha ? )
One day great - one day absolute hell on earth. And all the while , most of us have NO physical health issues .
Like my mother says ...(bless her heart) " Its enough to make a dog's ASS shed tears ! "

I think tonight Im gonna kick back and have a few cocktails and Re- evaluate todays situation. I dont find the answers in the bottle mind you , but whats in the bottle helps cut through the BULLSHIT that haunts my brain.
Did I mention cranking up the Stereo also ????

PS- maybe after a couple I'll call Ma and tell her how much she's loved ... BY ME !

- Salute'



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