Finally, something to be excited about!

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well..It is time for the holidays and I have to say i feel alot better now than I did four months ago when I found my first patch...I am very happy to say that all my exams went well and I am pretty psyched about it..My exams are over and now I have time to relax and take some me for my hair, although I have growth in all of my patches my hair still conitnues to fall out and I am just suspecting it truly does have to run its course because I have been getting Injections along with the olux on top of that...I am no longer really depressed about my hair, but dont get me wrong I do want my hair back and to go back to my normal life, but I think I have accepted it is what it is..I am at a point where I am completely frustrated and annoyed with this hair I can tell you that..My hair seems so thin, and static clingy just a mess..I truly hate the fact that I have to keep it up all the time because I get migraine headaches and its very painful so I have decided to go look at wigs this week..I hope it goes well..Have a great day and holiday!!!

Views: 7

Comment by Devin on December 14, 2010 at 4:20pm

Good for you Trish! I'm glad you are feeling better, just in time for Christmas.

Santa is going to bring you something nice...I hope! Take Care


Comment by Trish on December 14, 2010 at 5:34pm

Thank you so much Devin!!! I hope he brings you something special for christmas as well hun...Talk to you soon!!

Comment by Trish on December 14, 2010 at 6:06pm

Thanks Paul...Hope your well and everything worked out for you..:)

Comment by Diana Carter on December 14, 2010 at 10:57pm

I'm so proud of you Trish!! Enjoy, rest, and have a very Merry Christmas, and much needed rest from all the hard work & studying!!  You are such an inspiration to me, and I am so happy to hear you sounding more positive. I know it is hard, but you are doing it :) Congratulations, and big ole Texas sized hugs for you!!

Comment by Trish on December 15, 2010 at 12:55am

Diana, You are an absolute angel and an inspiration to me as well...Thank you so much girly...You can do this too, remember we are in this together, and you been doing it...Keep your head up, I am always here for you!!! You have a Merry Christmas as well...xoxoxo :) hugs

Comment by Tamara on December 15, 2010 at 7:03am

Hey Trish, I'm glad to hear things are better for you! Enjoy your "me" time and Happy Holidays!

Comment by Julie Koch on December 15, 2010 at 2:27pm

You are so strong and courageous and I am SOOO proud of how you are handling all this!  You are handling it much better than I am but I suppose everyone has their own time line of acceptance.  Congratulations on finishing your exams and please do take this time to relax!  Happy holidays to you as well!

Comment by Trish on December 15, 2010 at 2:53pm

Tamara, Thank you so much...I hope you are feeling better because you absolutely deserve it..Happy Holidays to you too!!!

Julie, Thank you so much for your kind words they mean alot to me..Although, you may not feel like you are handling what it is that you are going through, but you are, you are also a strong, beautiful, and courageous woman and will get pass this..We are all here to help..You are absolutely right that everyone has their own acceptance time, and you will get there I promise..I never thought there would be a day that I did not cry about my hair, but there is and has been..I am totally excited about the me time..I hope everyone else gets some me time as well because it does help alleviate some stress...Happy Holidays!!  

Big Hugs :)

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on December 15, 2010 at 9:13pm

Happy to hear that you are doing so much better.  Enjoy the "me" time and have wonderful holidays.

Comment by Lori D on December 16, 2010 at 1:21am

I came by to look around because I've been absent from here for a while and I get this lovely surprise! Trish, you are an amazing young lady! It's great to see you inspiring others when you were in their place not so long ago. I applaud and am proud of you! Merry Christmas and God bless! ::BIG HUGS::


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