Hello All, I just wanted to give an update on my life and progress lol...I am sorry I have not been on much, I have been trying to focus my time and energy on finals cause they are kicking my butt, but I am doing well...Not much change on my bald patches as of today except for regrowth in the middle of all, but one of my patches..I have also discovered that since my hair is starting to grow back in the patches that I have severe diffuse shedding now which I hope is because my telogen hair is falling out and allowing new hair to grow in...I am so hoping that is the cause but who knows with this disease anything is possible...The diffuse shedding is all over my head which is truly freaking me out because I had a little prior, but not like it is now..My ponytail is so thin its pathetic lol..I hope all of you had a great holiday, (Thanksgiving) and took part in appreciating what we do have in life which is our loved ones, family, and friends..I know you all have because we are all awesome here at AW...Finals are over soon and I will be able to relax within the next two weeks which I am excited about..Yay, lol...Thank you for all of your support!!!! Hugs :)

Views: 5

Comment by Trish on December 2, 2010 at 6:37pm
Thanks Paul..:)
Comment by Karen Smith on December 2, 2010 at 8:41pm
Good luck with the regrowth. I hope the shedding stops. The losing hair part is the most difficult time of this condition. What year are you in college?
Comment by Trish on December 2, 2010 at 10:17pm
Hi Karen, Thank you..I am in my senior year of BSN nursing school..You know what? You are absolutely right about the losing part..Not so much the bald patches which I kinda grew to accept, but now its at a point where it just continues to spread outward at the perimeter of the patches..I would not mind so much if the shedding stopped and to deal with covering the patches as my hair grew back, but it continues to be active, but hoping it will stop soon...Hope your well :)
Comment by Diana Carter on December 3, 2010 at 1:29am
Trish, I can't believe, again, we are in the same boat! My hair is heavily thinning again. Feels like I am on the going down part of that roller coaster again. (I thought that was supposed to be the FUN part of the ride??!!) No new 'crop circles', but what hair I DO have..."I just can't do a darn thing with it"..bleh!!! It's weird, like my hair is refusing to cooperate. I cant style it, it just goes its own way, and does whatever it pleases! ARG! Now I find I am not only trying to hide the bald spots, but the thin spots (which are all over)..Wow..sorry, I feel whiny tonight. waaahh! Sorry.
On the upside...I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Keep up the good work with your school work!! I need something positive to focus on right now...something I can DO to be proud of myself. My self-esteem has gone poop on me :(
THANKS for your surprise tonight...tha was so AWESOME!! YOU are amazing!!! Love ya & hugs!! D
Comment by Karen Smith on December 3, 2010 at 10:21am
Tryng to keep the patches covered was such a pain. Do you have a good partial wig that blends with your hair? You can get the real human hair relatively cheap off of the chinese websites. You just need a good hair dresser to dye it to match. Hopefully it will all come back in but it sometimes helps to have something on hand. The shaven bald look can be beautiful but the in-between is so hard to deal with. I am an RN but sell real estate now. Nursing school is tough! Congratulations that you are almost finished.
Comment by Trish on December 3, 2010 at 12:03pm
Diana, I know exactly what you mean about that crazy roller coaster ride urgg...I want you to try and be happy you deserve it, you are a beautiful person in and out and I am so honored to be your friend...I am always here for you as I know you are for me..Yes, It was a awesome surprise, I had to see how you were because it has been way to long..Thank you so much Diana for being proud of me it means alot coming from you, and nothing will stop me now..My self esteem is also poop, but keep your head up girly we are in this together and we will get through it together..I love you too girly and care for you much...xo :)

Hi Karen, You are absolutely right..The patches are ridiculous trying to cover especially since my hair is thinning like crazy as well all over my head..As of now I do not have a partial blend wig because I do not know much about wigs, but may have to look into stuff soon..To be honest, I truly have no idea where to start with hair pieces or wigs, I have never had to deal with this ever before so I am a newbie, but hopefully figure something out..Oh you are an RN thats awesome, I so love it, but I also have a friend that is an RN doing real estate as well, and she loves it lol..She does nursing still per-dium, and full time real etstate..Thank you for the congrads Karen...Hugs


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