Following orders but losing the battle

I do a lot of reading on this site, but I haven't written much. Now...I think it's time to change. I need to dig in and talk with others about their journeys with this disease. I thought I had 'accepted' (if you can ever really accept it) this disease and was ready to hit it head on. In the past 2 years (November will be 2 years that I noticed the first spot) I've foamed, lasored, creamed and injected my head with everything perscribed. My derm has me taking enough vitamins to constitute a full meal. (B6, B12, Biotin, D3, Omega and a multi-vitamin to include zinc). I have been told to eat well, gets LOTS of rest and avoid stress. Avoid stress??? Really????? I'm to avoid stress, but I find that a catch 22 situation - I'm stressed BECAUSE my hair is falling out. I consider myself a strong woman. I'm a mother to 4 wonderful adults and grandmother with 2 beautiful granddaughers. I've always taken problems and dealt with them in a straight forward manner, a get'er done attitude. But this disease....I cant' do that. I'm tired of doing all I'm told and then finding more spots. I've started to cry more now. I feel I've lost the battle. This is a disease I can NOT control in anyway even with the help of doctors. I'm still able to do a 'comb over''s getting very thin. The crown of my head, nap of my neck, and more spots behind my ears. No regrowth except for a few little baby fine hairs. When do you just give up and shave your head?

Views: 9

Comment by Kathy D. on October 9, 2010 at 11:12pm
You just wrote my story except I've been battling this for nearly 16 years. When do you shave you head? Well, for me personally it took over 12 years. I had to resort to wearing wigs because of the bare spots on top of my head and very thin sides but I had beautiful long thick hair still in the back. I couldn't shave it off but finally I just caved in and shaved it off because it was pointless not to. I cried the first time but now believe it or not it's actually liberating because you know the fine baby hairs and all that "fuzz" is gone. It's cooler too. I absolutely hate wigs but I won't go out in public without one because that's just me being vain I guess so I say bite the bullet and shave your head when YOU are ready to.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on October 10, 2010 at 12:33am
Hi Becky
Im sorry to hear that things are going tough for you. I have been dealing with alopecia for 26+ years, and in that time I spent most of it in denial and hiding. After 10 years of injections, lotions, creams etc etc. I finally bought a wig. It wasnt till then that having a wig I was comfortable in that I decided to shave. I read many blogs and comments here saying you get this wonderful sense of freedom when you shave your head and I was very skeptical about it. But you know what ..... its true!!!! It took a couple of days to get use to looking in the mirror but you do get this wonderful sense of freedom.(no more stressing about whats going on, on top.) After that I decided to take a break from treatments and treat my soul. Its been a month and still feeling great. Hang in there Becky. You will know when the time is right IF you do decide to shave. And dont feel as its "giving up" think of it as taking control. We might not have control over the alopecia but we do have control over letting it control our lives. Yes I know all easier said than done but you are strong, brave and beautiful.
Comment by Chefpam on October 11, 2010 at 1:37pm
Just wanted to send you a hug...I just had 7 inches cut off my hair and was told it would have to help....wrong.
Comment by BT on October 11, 2010 at 2:08pm
Thank you - thank you all for your suggestions, thoughts and comments. This site is awesome!! The voice of experience is always a great teacher and on this sight I have found several teachers. The 'unknown' is always a scary thing to deal with and alopecia is definitely an 'unknown' disease for me. But I will learn and I will learn to deal with it. It just amazes me to hear and see the stories of individuals with this disease. I don't think the majority of the population realize how many people have Alopcia. I know I never did.
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on October 12, 2010 at 12:17pm
Becky, I may be wrong but, you may just be at the door of acceptance. You find yourself fighting a losing battle and you just don't want to fight anymore. I remember, I use to think it was giving up. It was not at all, it was moving on. Moving on from the constant worrying, checking, trying, praying, pleading... when I eventually shaved my head it was a weight off my shoulders. I no longer obsessed with the hair loss, I now had to deal with the bald head, but the trying to stop the unstoppable had ceased.

As to when to shave your head, you will know when you are ready. At that time, it will be the only option that make sense to you and you will probably feel a strong urge to do it immediately. I remember when I was ready, I just marched in the bathroom and shaved it off.

You sound like you are on the right track. We wish you luck and of course are here for you.


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