Getting ready for the school year

School starts in 2 weeks for my 10 year old. His journey with aa began last summer. At the begining of the school year a "health" assembly was held where the nurse explained to all the kids what AA is and Casey was given permission to wear a hat. THAT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER!!! The school and kids have been fantastic (except for just a couple of situations). Casey did wear a hat all year and it wasn't until the beginning of summer that he moved to AT (no hair, eye lashes or eye brows). With the new school year starting he has been trying to decide if he should wear a hat or not. Well, I think the decision has been made....His friends told him the other day how "COOL" he thinks the "bald thing" is. So I think it's "no hat". I'm so proud of him for just wanting to be who he is. I have a really amazing kid!!!

Views: 21

Comment by Tasha Dingler on August 12, 2009 at 10:42am
This is so cool! in all the research I have done about children and teasing bullying... I have found because uneducated. You had a great idea with this one! Know all those students that know will help him thru highschool! And the kids will feel like hes extra cool to arrage such a big event!
Comment by Cindy on August 13, 2009 at 9:31pm
That is so awesome to hear Margie..Did I tell you to say that and here his friend made the statement. It is so much better coming from them then mom..Way to go Casey!! Embrace it and love it!!
Comment by Tamika Joseph on August 14, 2009 at 1:33am
Thats so cool. I am also glad his friends and the school understand everthing.
Comment by Jessica Hoschouer on September 7, 2013 at 1:10pm

wow I have had alopecia since around the age of six and I recently celebrated my thirteenth birthday.


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