Guys and women, nights out and parties

you would have to be deluded if thought it made no difference.

I've had alopecia for a few yrs now (I'm 24) and I'm going to be frank and a bit crude,

when I had hair I would be able to get most girls I wanted and have girls after me on a night out etc with ease, (no ego boost haha)
also randoms on facebook would message me for chats etc. My body was slim/normal btw.

fastforward to alopecia, well what a difference, I mean yes the odd girl but feel like ur hit with the ugly stick or something. The only way I'm trying to compensate for it is to build some muscles and that will have to be my attraction.

its sad times when you are disregarded by girls and your friends are in there.

this should be a blog, sorry.

men don't have it easy!

Views: 285

Comment by Tallgirl on October 6, 2011 at 5:05pm
It gets easier if you go to places other than looks-markets like clubs, bars and Facebook. Try things where personality will shine after several projects, discussions or meetings. How else can people get beyond face (head) judgments only??? It is personality, laugh, wit and/or heart that really count in the long run. The rest is fleeting, for immature sorts.
Comment by Nick on October 6, 2011 at 5:15pm
the thing with girls and probably guys too is that there needs to be an initial attraction, this is usually looks based on physical features like eyes hair body etc, people use the term tall dark and handsome to death. I think a fun personality is definitely good for friends or keeping a relationship but in most cases there is no relationship if there was no initial attraction. Just friends.
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on October 6, 2011 at 6:25pm
Nick I have to somewhat agree with you - while it may be shallow - it is usually a fact - if there is no physical chemistry then there is no romantic relationship. Now that is not to say that some might not find no hair to be an issue with feeling chemistry but sadly I think most do. Just my personal observation - not meant to disrespect anyone who feels otherwise
Comment by Nick on October 6, 2011 at 6:59pm
precisely lily, its a harsh fact of reality. The only way I see it is that in my personal circumstances if I work out and get buffed out in a few years for example then that is an 'attraction' to more people than if I look like the average guy minus all hair (major disadvantage).

here's hoping there will be effective treatment or even a cure for alopecia in the near future.
Comment by Pat on October 6, 2011 at 8:11pm
I agree that there has to be a physical attraction but that's not to say that personality, charm, and wit don't win in the long run. This of course gets truer as we age. I see by your pics your working out is already paying off, you look great and have fantastic style so don't sell yourself short. Losing hair is like losing our takes a while for us to reinvent ourselves. You're already proactive in that regard so I wish you all the best. Remember, if you think you're less than men with hair, that will come across in your attitude with women.
Comment by R0BB on October 7, 2011 at 4:27pm
Hey Nick -
Lookey here -

If a chick disses you because of your hair or lack there of ....
You don't want her kind anyhow. NEXT.

There's far too many catches out there , to be focusing on this ...


Comment by Lili on October 7, 2011 at 7:58pm
As a woman, I too understand how this feels. It sucks. But I know that for every 5 guys who isn't interested in me, one special one will. Before I had hair loss, I had many admirers (lol), not just because of my looks, but because I was fun and good to talk to. Now that I've had hair loss, sure less guys think I'm the hottest chick in the room, but I still do alright. I've recently just become single and I'm not ready for a relationship. But when that time comes, I'll have to remind myself that any one who isn't as interested in me as I am in them, isn't worth my time anyways.
Comment by Jill A. Lane on October 12, 2011 at 10:27am
I would have to disagree with you Jayne, I think many people look better without hair, guys and girls, as their beauty is not hidden and their features stand out more.

I also don't feel baldness in a setting such as the one Nick describes is all bad. As Daniel said, it can act as a kind of screen, weeding out the shallow jerks. Sure you may have some negative comments or awkward looks, but when you do get positive feedback or even hit on, you know that those individuals are less close-minded and judgemental, and more worthy of your time. I go through cycles of full hair and baldness, and even when I have hair, I wouldn't want to be with a guy who didn't like me bald too, right? So being bald sets the good (or better) guys apart, in my opinion!

Plus, who wants to look like everybody else? Embrace your uniqueness! :)
Comment by mabaker on October 14, 2011 at 6:34am
Hello - since I have shaved my head - the reaction has been so positive - what I feel is attractive in another person is their spirit and confidence - hair loss has given us a depth of beauty and strength. I agree with others here - anyone who cannot see you truly, anyone who sees hair loss and not you is probably someone you don't need to be with. Walk tall and proud - best wishes x
Comment by Alina07 on January 2, 2012 at 7:03am

I think it's a little easier for men to go through hair loss rather than women. People are more accepting of bald men, some ladies are really attracted to guys with bald heads. It's all about preferences. I think that Ami James from Miami Ink/NY Ink is really hot.

Just like women with Alopecia, men have options too. You can buy a wig for men and you can buy some eye brows.( they have fake hair brows you glue on) I'm not saying you need to do it to look good but sometime you just gotta take life into your own hands. Don't waste your time feeling bad about yourself. Do what makes you feel good and comfortable


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