I sure wish there was something magical to make me happy, I feel as if there is no hope.
I couldn't get over how happy I was yesterday and BANG!! today I am completely opposite.
I wish they would find a cure for alopecia, just like they are trying for cancer patients, heart and stroke foundation why the hell isn't it for alopecia?? makes me so angry.
I found it so hard to even get out of bed in the mornings and night time is my favorite time of the day, cause im going to sleep an there's no one to see me !!
I thought i'd just share my feelings today as that;s what blogs are for.
If I had only but one wish,,,,,,,it be that all of us with no hair would grow some!

sad today ( Lisa)

Views: 113

Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 19, 2011 at 8:56am
I totally agree with you 100% however I lost 3 friends ovr my hairloss i guess I didn;t fit into their click as you would say, i'm curenly on disability due to anxxiety disorder, I find myself playing inline games to keep my mind off of things, but that only works for due time, so I cant help but think too much and I know I shouldn't but I just do and this is where the problem comes in, but I do apreciate your opinion! :)
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 19, 2011 at 8:59am
I;ve also added a song on my profile from Avrelevigne ( sure i spelled it wrong) it's called keep holding on ad I fid myself listening to it over ad over to try and cheer myself up! sand hoe it does others as well when feeling sad like I do
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 19, 2011 at 10:59am
Yes Alice I take both anti-depressants and some pills to calm me down, problem is, my body is a fighter and no matter valume or xanax help nothing for me. This is why I find it so hard.
I am indeed going to start my grp thereapy, although it has nothing to do with hairloss but it will teach me to cope with stress, how to build my self-esteem! I am actually very escited to join something like this cause all Ivwant to do is feel better.
I;ve been dealing with social anxiety disorder snce I was 11 years old and only came out and got hlep last year.They tell me I have post dramatic stress disorder and with the loss of my hair it has gotten worst.This is why I am excited to start hopefully my new life and hope to come to the point where I dont give a damn what ppl whisper or even stare.
Thank-you Alice for sharing your comment:)
Comment by Petra on April 19, 2011 at 3:21pm
Hey Lisa, it happens. I've been dealing with this alopecia thing now for over 30 years. Had a really really hard time of it for years. I let it take control of my life, and boy did I miss out. Now that I have taken control of my life I am learning to live with my alopecia. Doesn't mean that I still don't have those days were I wish that I had hair, but I'm not obsessive about it anymore. When I feel myself getting depressed about my hair, or should I say lack of hair.....I tell myself that I am STRONG, I am O.K., I am BEAUTIFUL (even though I really don't think I am beautiful, but it helps if I tell myself I am :-)
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 19, 2011 at 4:21pm
Thank-you Petra,
I;ll have to keep that in mind, even though it is quite hard as it has only been roughly a year now and to me it still feels like yesterday,
I find my turbands quite cute and comfy but hell, after a while I get sick of it. I want to be all natural but afraid to do so in front of my fammily. Guess it's something i'll have to get over
pleasure to hear from you Petra
Comment by Petra on April 19, 2011 at 5:21pm
Hey, I still don't have the guts to go au natural in public.....I hope that one of these days I do. I usually wear scarves or hats when out and about and a wig when I go to work. Wearing scarves in public is pretty new to me, I just started doing that last year......I told myself enough is enough. I stopped doing so many things because I didn't want to do them in a wig and my life was just passing me by....I let alopecia control me...not any more though. Yeah, I still get these little anxiety attacks, but I just tell myself I'm O.K. The hell with what other people think...they don't have to live my life.
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 19, 2011 at 5:31pm
I find your words very encouraging and I certainly hope one day I turn out to be just like you,,YOU GO GIRL!!!
Comment by Norm on April 19, 2011 at 6:52pm
Hi Lisa-Lynn.... hey, everyone has ups and downs. But don't beat yourself up over stuff you didn't cause and that you can't do anything about.... there's already enough cr*ap in life!
Do what Petra does - she doesn't like to go out bald, so she puts on her special Hound Suit and goes out like that. In fact, that's a pic of her and her husband next to her comments. :)
Hiya Petra - you OK? Long time no chat.... this is where you delete me from your "Friends" list, methinks.... ;)
Comment by Petra on April 19, 2011 at 8:00pm
HA HA HA Yeah, the suit is great in the winter but get's way to hot in the summer...me thinks I will have to find something else to wear this summer...any idea's Norm?
Comment by Norm on April 20, 2011 at 12:18pm
Well, Petra, I was gonna suggest a cat-suit, but that's already been done to death... no, I reckon you should do what I told you last year - wear nothing - then no-one'll notice the bald head, oh no :)
Lisa-Lynn.... sorry for hijacking your post, but if girls ask for help, what's a guy to do??? :)


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