How has being bald affected you? That is if it has affected you. Mind you I do think it must have even if it is only the fact that you notice how cold it is much more now than when you had hair.
Many of the websites for Alopecia document how many people are stressed about having Alopecia and that they desperately worry about their hair growing back. I must admit that when I first had alopecia I was concerned about the situation but once I shaved my head I stopped worrying and found that I was actually really happy as a bald person. I do think that there is a need for Alopecia websites to try an emphasis that there are lots of Alopecians out there who are happy and who don’t worry constantly about not having hair.
I know that it is much easier for a man than it is for a woman or a child and my heart goes out to all of those people who are distressed about loosing their hair but in all honesty, being bald is pretty good for me.
It has given me a new image. It forced me to change my style by the simple fact that my hair fell out. It was big change, I no longer had hair which I had always seen as being a strong part of my image and instead I was bald. It’s really not bad. It makes me look different and in many ways it makes me feel more masculine which is really strange as I thought when it was falling out that I would feel less of a man without hair. I actually feel stronger and more physical.
One interesting aspect of my conditions is that when I get up every day, as I suffer from AA I need to shave my head which is something I really enjoy doing especially if I am not in a rush and I can take my time with it. It really is an enjoyable experience and I love the feel of my head when it is first shaved. As soon as I have shaved I rub in to the scalp Aloe Vera gel which really moisturises the skin and makes my head tingle and look really shiny. I do think that a bald head needs a good shine on it!!!!
I think that we need good positive vibes to help all of the new people with Alopecia and I hope that more people can show their positive stance of being an Alopecian.
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