I am BLESSED!! All thats wrong with me is that I am losing my hair.

I have been reading a lot of posts with people who are having a really hard time lately with low mood and dealing with people questioning them and stuff. I want to tell you all about recent experiences in my life.

One month ago, my boss had a beautiful baby girl. She was born, perfect, happy healthy baby girl. Within 24 hours the nurses discovered something was wrong. They did blood work and discovered her blood sugars were Dangerously high. After further investigation, they realized that her intestines were not formed properly and told my boss and his wife that she would not make it 24 hours. They did surgery to try to extend her life and see if there was anything they could do to repair the issues. The discovered that her liver and kidneys were also not formed properly. After three surgerys and being told on a daily basis that she would not live through that day she finally passed away after 19 short days, it was a miracle that they got that much time with her.

In this same week, I had a friends son turn 18 years old. He has had an incredibly hard time with drugs and alcohol and has recently been released from a rehabilitation centre where he admitted himself for a three month period so that he could learn how to cope without drugs and alcohol after his little sister died at the age of 5 years old. He was 13 at the time and incredibly close to her. Unlike most teenage boys, he did not go to the bar for his 18th birthday, instead he went to a tattoo parlor and got a picture to represent his sister, her name at the top and a picture of a puzzle piece looking like it was cut out of his skin because through all of his experiences he has realized that a piece of him has always been missing since she left and always will be.

In this same time period, I have lost a lot more hair, and have decided to wear my wig on a full time basis to prevent all of the questions of why there is no hair there... blah blah blah. At first, I was so scared going to work, what would people think, etc, etc. Then I sat back and realized, I really dont have it that bad. My life is pretty good when I can choose the hair that I get to wear that day and my biggest concern is that people who dont understand wont want to be around me. WHO NEEDS THEM!!!

Life doesnt make sense you just have to roll with it!

Views: 2

Comment by Mary on April 1, 2009 at 7:08pm
Exactly how I feel. I have no hair, but am able to do everything I want to. A friend my age died of cancer a few months ago. As I often think: "What would a person with cancer give to ONLY have alopecia?"
Comment by Pam Fitros on April 3, 2009 at 11:06am
I've had both. I survived ovarian cancer without having to have either chemo or radiation. Three years later it all fell out - alopecia universalis. I'm loving my baldness and it's a lot easier than then cancer! (see blog at boldlybaldwomen.blogspot.com)
Comment by Jodi on April 3, 2009 at 1:02pm
Tenille, women like you and Pam and Mary are the reason i am a member here. you all are dead on. thank you for your inspiration.
Comment by Tenille Gee on April 3, 2009 at 6:57pm
thank you so much all of you for your comments. Cant imagine going through cancer, you are a brave woman Pam. I also know what it is like to have friends and family affected by cancer and chemo therapy and, like you said, at least it is just my hair, not my life.


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