Within the last two weeks I have finally started to wear the wig that I bought a year ago to work, my thought was once I start wearing it I can never go back. Most of the people at work didn't even notice that it was a wig, I finally decided because I was getting so many wonderful comments to tell people that it was a wig because they were wondering how I had straightened my hair and a few saying they wanted their hair to look like that... I laughed and said, well, I bought it at The Bay... Later that week I went out and bought four more because I decided if my co-workers (who are all friends of mine) could accept it, I may as well have fun with it. The people that I don't know will never know whether this is my real hair or not because I will only see them once and the people that I do know, if they can't accept it then they aren't the people who matter in my life. I found a place that sells them cheap in the mall so for the same price that I bought my first wig ($300) I bought 4 more for $200 that I can change whenever I want. I have tried them all on for friends and half of them like the cheap ones better. Of course, I am guessing they won't last as long and stuff but at $50 a pop if I have to replace it once a year or even every six months, I am still saving money on haircuts. I still have my hair and have been debating on shaving it but I just don't know how to deal with going swimming and stuff yet. Looking to build just a little bit more confidence before I take that step. At the rate that my hair is going, I won't have much choice soon it will be all gone and I won't need to shave it.

Views: 5

Comment by Tenille Gee on March 30, 2009 at 11:17pm
Thanks Rose Marie, I am doing my best, like the rest of us. Will post some pics soon so everyone can see all my new wigs. Gotta do it... do it with style!
Comment by Dielle on March 31, 2009 at 12:52am
For swimming you could always wear a swimming cap, because that way you could wear it over your wig or without your wig. Also if you are going swimming with other people that know about your alopecia you could always ask them if they would wear one too so you aren't the only one wearing one. Good luck with the wigs!
Comment by Dielle on March 31, 2009 at 12:53am
My mum knew this one lady in Canada that actually had a full head of hair but she would go out and buy a whole bunch of wigs and wear a different one everyday of the week. She went from a blue bob to long brown hair. Have fun!
Comment by Tenille Gee on March 31, 2009 at 6:25pm
Thanks Dielle, good idea with the swimming cap, not sure if I could do it or not. I totally love my wigs. My daughter tried to get me to buy a blue bob actually.... totally hilarious, I do have one that has bright red streaks though, just for fun. Thanks
Comment by Tenille Gee on April 8, 2009 at 9:20pm
Thank you Thea... I appreciate that. Especially today, had a horrible day, my boss is being a real jerk, telling me that if I do go bald then I need to wear "something" to cover it because "people" will be uncomfortable talking to me. The worst part is that he is a VERY bald man himself and I can't believe that he would say this stuff. STUPID people make me sick.
Comment by Tenille Gee on April 8, 2009 at 11:12pm
I work at McDonalds in a very small town I believe we are up to 10,000 or something like that. I am one of the shift managers right now, I am going on a course at the end of the month to become the Assistant manager. My "boss" that I speak of is actually the owner of our restaurant, or franchisee. The shift that I work is the opening shift, first thing in the morning 5 am to 1 pm and I have a LOT of regular customers, most of which are aware of my situation and aware that I am currently wearing a wig and all have been extremely supportive of me and my situation. I spoke to my boss today because the wigs that I have been wearing are synthetic and fairly cheap. I knew this when I bought them but wasn't told a lot about what to expect, I was told to keep them out of direct heat, I thought this meant hairdryers, curling irons, etc. what I did not know was that even the heat from the back of my neck was going to make the wigs go frizzy and knotted and make them feel like straw. not pleasant. Now I am stuck with 5 wigs that I may wear occasionally but are certainly not going to work in a very hot restaurant over a fry vat or grill. Therefore, my options are, from what I know, go bald and wear a hat or nothing, depending on my preference or spend a lot of money on a really good human hair wig, try to clean it as well as I can every day to get the grease out of it and risk that it is going to wear out in a short time because of the position I am in. My thought was, I don't like the patches on my head to show so I am almost 100% for shaving it and buying a vacuum wig and wearing that when I chose to, use it to go out places when I want to dress up or whatever, just to have there if I choose to wear it and for most days, including work, wear a scarf or, if I get the confidence, go bald. (I am not that strong yet, I am trying to get there) Anyways, I talked to my boss about this today and said, "I assume that whatever I choose will be fine", his response was "As long as you cover it with something, that is your choice because some people, well, I know I would be very uncomfortable seeing you that way and I am sure others would be too" as though I was going to walk into the restaurant naked. Totally frustrating, I have such amazing support the one person at work that could really make a difference for me is the one person who is not supportive of me. On top of that, I now find myself wondering if I am not going to get my promotion when I finish my course because of this situation. He has a very good way of hiding things behind other reasons so I have no doubt that he would find a way around it with the labor board so I wouldn't even bother with that. Nothing is in writing saying that is what is happening after my course so I don't really have a leg to stand on, all that i am hoping for is that he is true to his word, but now I have to continue the way things have been going until after the course to see what he is going to do and I feel like I don't even have the option of shaving my head until after I know what is going to happen with my job.

I do have other options, I was an administrative assistant in an accounting firm prior to having my kids, I have the training and knowledge to continue on that path but I truly do enjoy my job and would really like to stay.


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