Firstly I'd like to congratulate you on this wonderful site. In the past people have mentioned your site to me. I haven't had a lot of time on my hands but I've wanted to have a good look round your site, I have a spare hour this afternoon so I'm going to do that now.
I have had so much incredible support from people. Lots of people have poured out their hearts to me,explaining that Alopecia has taken a hold of not just their hair but their 'whole being' but seeing me perform with no hair has inspired them when in fact every day it is them who are inspiring everyone that knows and loves them.
Being apart of 'The Voice' has certainly got people talking about 'Alopecia' and I've found that on the whole it's been good, positive talk!!! and that's exactly how I want people to talk about it... I know how difficult it can be to live with 'Alopecia'.. I was the child that was bullied because, at the time, I had bald patches that would show when the wind blew regardless of how many times I tried to hold my hair clips in place and then at 22 choosing to shave my hair off because I lost the battle against those patches.. and probably the hardest of all the realisation at 26 (ish) that actually my hair might not come back!!! which was my lowest point.... I've felt the pain! I've cried myself to sleep, I've had to deal with the dilemma of 'What do I put on my head?'Should I wear a wig? What does everyone expect me to do?.... I totally know the anguish that it causes!! But I made a decision to not let it hold me back.. to not let it get in the way of my life or my children's lives and in a strange way by me feeling more positive.. people around me seem to be more relaxed around me.
Peoples lack of understanding and knowledge of Alopecia makes people say the most stupid and cruel things.. I've been on the receiving end of those comments countless times so any awareness has to be a good thing.
I want to thank everybody for their incredible support and future support lots of love and hugs
Toni Warne 'team Toni' Team Jessie The Voice
Wow that was such a moving blog you've done Toni :) Congratulations on the voice you have an incredible voice. Yes its also amazing the awareness you have put out to the world and I hope that one day i too have the confidence to just be me and accept my alopecia but its the hardest thing ever! Hope ur well Toni and i'll keep voting for you to win :) x
I'm from Hungary and I watch the Voice on the Internet. You are very strong, who makes examples to Alopecia World. I keep my finger crossed for You!
Hi Toni! It is always so cool to see you on the Voice and to see your strength. I am encouraged by your confidence, I hope I can be as comfortable and confident with my alopecia as you are one day! Good Luck!
You are an inspiration ....my 13 yr old daughter has alopecia and I truly believe that seeing you sing so proudly on the stage does more to help her than any words I can say. Just increasing the awareness and acceptance alone is wonderful ....Good luck ...we'll be following you from here in Australia :)
You are beautiful and amazing - good luck on the voice we will be watching and voting. xx
Wow you are totally amazing Toni ... your voice and your courage. You inspire me! I dont have the confidence you have but I accepted my AU years ago and dont always wear a wig. Good luck!!!! I will look out for you :)
It must have been quite daunting for you to be openly bald in such a public way. Well done for being so positive.
Such moving words.I am encouraged by your confidence. Yeap,we can enjoy our life as anybody. Good Luck!
Hey Toni. I tried shaving my head once last Summer and going out. I felt so self conscious. I really admire you - not only for following your dream (I know you mentioned that you put your career on hold due to coming to terms with the hair loss) but, for your courage. You have a fantastic voice and it would have been a shame if you had not used this courage to bring your talent to the fore. Good luck to you on the Voice. I do hope both you and Cas (whom I know coincidenally) go far. GOOD LUCK
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