Sitting outside yesterday evening watching my children play with their friends, my mind starts to wander and I find myself full of 'What if's".
, Scared of one of my IF"S I decided to just come out and ask my husband,"What IF I turn bald within time, how will you feel towards me? I almost lost my finger when i asked that,I thought he'd either change the topic or just avoid to answer me all together.
instead I got a hug and he said," in sickness and in health." He went on to explain that this was not my fault and that we would get through it together.This made me feel better,however just cause it made me feel better I still have lots of what if's to deal with and that was just one step towards the bright light at the end of the tunnel.

In the meantime I need to try my best and stay positive the best way I can even tho it won't be easy.
I need to remember I AM THE SAME NICE WOMAN I was BEFORE I had hair loss and that the only thing that's changed is this thing called hair!!

So HERES to a new journey!!!

Views: 25

Comment by Dana Kozlowski on May 28, 2010 at 4:18pm

It definitely is a journey and with life lessons. I started loosing my hair at the end of March and cried everyday for a month. My boyfriend reacted the same as your husband. He is not in love with my hair, but in love with me. It made me feel good, but understanding the emotions I was experiences was difficult for him. I guess my problems were more about the people around me although I have great friends and family its those in society that don't get it. I am doing so much better now that I found people who have experienced this. We are all here for support, to listen and to grow.........

Comment by Norm on May 28, 2010 at 6:41pm
Hey L-L, that's exactly it... you're the same person!
Everyone changes as they go through life. You're not like you were 10 years ago... and even if you keep your hair, you won't look the same in another 10 years. So what if your hair's blonde, brunette, grey, white? So what if it's long, short or gone? It's still the same you inside!
One of the big things is that this is a sudden change, not a gradual one, and that's always difficult to adjust to. But you've already made a big, big step on that road of acceptance. Big Up to you!! :)

In fact, carry on like this and you can change your name as well... L-L Cool Ma. Hmmm... not that big a change, eh? :)

N xx
Comment by Scaredandhopeful on May 29, 2010 at 5:04am
Awwwwww see!! And THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. Love. You warm my heart x


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