I just got home from a dermatologist appointment. I haven't seen her in about 6 months, due to the fact I learned I was pregnant and was not willing to get the cortisone shots during the pregnancy. My hair is falling out rapidly and I asked her if it was because I am pregnant and it really started falling out fast when I got pregnant. (My AA has been active 6 years, and it was only in the past 6 months that I couldn't cover it). She told me that my hair loss has NOTHING TO DO WITH HORMONES. I was shocked. Could this be true? The only hope I had left was getting some hair back after the pregnancy when the hormones calmed down a bit. I was shocked to hear her say this. She basically told me that it is an inflammatory problem (I knew) and hormones have nothing to do with it.

Views: 33

Comment by Jeff W on July 21, 2009 at 7:03pm
I follow almost all of the blogs on this site. I've certainly seen any number of postings where the onset or remission of alopecia coincides with pregnancies. As Aimee said, hormones are relevant to hair growth. There may not be any medical certainty as to how pregnancy will affect your hair, but I have seen anecdotal evidence here that things may well improve after your pregnancy. For now, enjoy the miracle of new life and don't give up hope that things will get better!
Comment by Amy on July 23, 2009 at 11:30pm
AA is not considered to be under hormonal control. However, triggers vary by person and as others noted, hormone-laden events seem to induce more than a random share of AA. I first got AA at 16- it was on/of and mild for many years, until I turned 30 and went off birth control- zing- big trouble, AA accelerated. Then I got pregnant and went into total remission (agree this is immune system related). I was in remission for years. Then AA was back. It got a little aggressive again, then I got pregnant again- again, total remission. I was all ready for my 3 year remission like my last pregnany when at 6 months I got a spot. I was outraged! At 9 months pregnant, it started getting bad again and after delivery- big big trouble- worst ever. Since then I have been up and down fighting it, it remits, briefly comes back, and just barely being able to hide it. Then around 7 weeks ago, most of it fell out. Totally out of the blue, except for a few weeks earlier I got my cycles back after almost two years without post pregnancy- hormones again!. I got a wig, my hair looks better than it has in many years now. I look back at pictures of me 3-4 years ago and cannot believe I actually had all that long full hair, it seems like a dream now. But anyway, it is what it is. Since my last baby, Ive been on no birth control, on estrogen only pills and on combo pills, so I think it can be related to hormones but cannot be managed by hormones, if you get what I am saying.

All that said, Ive seen it both ways after babies- total remission and AA escalation. I'd encourage you to think positive and believe you will get your hair back, but realize that you will be so busy with your little one, you may not notice one way or the other!


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