I think I am at my lowest point. I have almost no hair left and I just cry all the time. I don't leave the house except for doctor appointments. I have stopped talking to all of my friends and have even begun to stop talking to family members unless they call me.
I just can't deal with this anymore. I can't even imagine living the rest of my life with this pain. I can't look at myself in the mirror and just feel like i am not "normal." I don't even feel like a real person if that makes sense. I read posts from people on this site that seem handle this fine and I know I will never be okay with this. My husband says he doesn't care at all, but I almost want him to leave me so I don't have to be seen this way. I am seeing a therapist, the 5th or 6th since this began years ago. She is really good and I don't feel better. Is there any hope of me feeling like a normal person again, or even feeling happy?
Sorry to write such a depressing post, I just feel like i have no place to go at this point....

Views: 2

Comment by Karen's Wigs on July 27, 2009 at 10:49am
Don't apologize - you just need to give yourself a break. We all handle things differently. Your husband sounds like a good man, unlike some we have witnessed. You will have a normal life and you will be happy if for no other reason because you deserve it. Living with epilepsy for 40 years have made me appreciate what I do have. Peter
Comment by michael louis pearson on July 27, 2009 at 5:54pm
hey kathleen, this is mike from lafayette. i seen your blog and my heart sank. i know how ur feling , ive been there. everybody has their own problems and ways of dealing with them. u just have to learn to deal with what u have and live your life. ive learned that life is to short to have something like this destroy our lives. stay positive!!!mike
Comment by sharon levers on July 27, 2009 at 6:47pm
hi there i know exactlly how you feel i lost all my hair in march of this year and i was devastated i couldnt believe it was happening to me and couldnt understand why when i went to the doctors they told me it was stress but to be fair i didnt feel stressed apart from my hair coming out i went and got a wig which did make me feel a little better i now have 3 my partner is really supportive but i sometimes think he doesnt really understand how upset i am when it first happened i had a month of work just to try and get my head round it im back at work now and everyone is really good but most days i still feel crap i keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel but its still pretty dark at the mo but i suppose all you can do is accept it and just keep hopeing that one day you will feel better about it try to keep smiling!!!
Comment by Jennifer Krahn on July 27, 2009 at 10:53pm
I totally understand you, and my heart and prayers are with you. This SUCKS...but it does get better. There is so much to live for and enjoy in life everyday. don't look in the mirror and see what you don't have...celebrate what you do have. A supporting spouse, your health, family and all the beauty around and within you. You will get through this...and you are not alone. This site is the most amazing ever! It is what helps me get through tough days. One thing that did help me was a book "Feeling Good". It helps rationalize totally irrational feelings. Find a smile and push through. My prayers are with you.
Comment by Joshua on July 28, 2009 at 8:49am
Hi Kathleen,

Alopecia areata is a frustrating disease. Unfortunately we have no control over it but it doesnt mean that we should surrender our lives to Alopecia areata. Nevertheless, Kathleen, I must admit I do feel what you're feeling at some point of the time. But do not let this feeling drag you on for several days as it distracts you away from what really matters in life. I'm sure you're have a loving husband and you feel that you wanted him to leave you (presumbly because of your hairloss).

Alopecia can break relationships, mend relationships and even build relationships. It is up to us on how we want alopecia to influence our relationship with others. Alopecia can even be a trying time where stronger bonds are built. So far, alopecia has bring the best of my relationships with others, genuine relationship where people love you for who you are and not based on how much or how little hair we have.

I believe, that if you're able to meet other alopecia sufferers or even talk to one of them on the phone. It will definitely make you feel less lonely. Its normal to feel lonely but I want to reassure you that you're not alone. Live life to the fullest, make sweet memories everyday! especially with your loved ones. Today is a gift, that's why it is called "present". Going through alopecia really helps us to focus what truly matters in life and not how much or how little hair we have.

Kathleen, sending you a big hug and a pat on your shoulder. You'll be alright, you'll not be alone, we're all here to support and listen to each other.

Comment by Joshua on July 28, 2009 at 8:53am
Kathleen, I must add that I have had made really stupid decisions in the past when I first developed alopecia universalis...and for that you're doing much better than I am. Keep well. :)
Comment by brenda kay on July 28, 2009 at 11:52am
the hardest part of going bald for me was day by day watching my hair go down the drain. it is all gone and a kind of relief came over me. that was the low point. then i had to come up with a plan and so do you. i found a good wig company which got me outside without embarassment...I FORGOT TO SAY THAT I AM A HAIRDRESSER.........it gets better with time and you get a bit more at ease explaining to the hundreds of people who will notice. God only chooses strong and interesting people to get this disorder so don't let it ru9in your lives. see the thousands of us out there who have come to terms with this. gather strengnth from us to go out there and enjoy this one and only life you were so lucky to be given. hang tough girlfriend, this is new to me too and this site will help. cyberhugs to you, bk
Comment by Mary on July 28, 2009 at 11:58pm
Kathleen, please hang in there...I know how you feel. I was at my lowest point in January 2008. I remember crying all the time, and not recognizing the woman in the mirror. Then I shaved my head and began to accept myself as I am now. It's taken me a year, but I'm at such a different place. You're not alone.

Comment by Linda on July 30, 2009 at 5:30pm
Kathleen, I know exactly how you feel. I have had many of losses in my life, and this is the worse... I lost all my hair 6 months ago, on my head and body. You do have to cry and mourn the loss, and even be angry, but then you have to make a choice that you can be powerful or pitiful. I hate having no hair, but I have made a choice to not let it take over my life. One day at a time. Hang in there....Linda


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