Hi ,
I have been away a while, when my alopecia first started I thought I would be alright.I was on here a while reading some of your stories how life is for some of you who are dealing with the same pain as I am ,and I thought I could get through it.
When last summer of August my world came crashing down in front of me.
I was dealing with the shaved head I have, thinking I looked like a total freak.I could not grasp the fact I looked odd and different.
I wounded up trying to end my life and was submitted to the hospital quite often for this reason.
I was completely scared, felt very alone and just didn't want my life to be this way.
As of today I know that doing something stupid will not make things right.
So here I am today having now struggles with wigs, styles and looks. One day I feel right in short wig next day I hate it and I find myself buyin a long curly one. I can't make up my mind anymore as to what I want because all I want is my own head of hair.
I struggle everyday waking up having to decide what wig looks best, will people stare at me, will my neighbours think I am one odd woman who wears different wigs everyday.
Does anyone have any opinions they could share with me?
I would love to hear them from you
Lisa ( scared one)

Views: 8

Comment by Tallgirl on March 22, 2011 at 5:40pm
It matters not what they think. You must love you.
Comment by Mi on March 22, 2011 at 9:00pm
I totally agree and understand everything that you are saying--my hair loss is frontal, the sides and back of my hair is dark in color and a little past my shoulders in length---I feel that when I look up wig options/clip on pieces that I am giving in to the enemy--I think that buying this hair pieces is admitting my loss to this battle. I would not step out of the house without the clip on hair piece that I have now--but I really hate it and am trying to find one more versatile---the depression associated with my hair loss has lead me to contemplate if my life is worth living--I know I am sounding vain right now but having so many insecurities is just so hard on my heart---I feel like I will never find happiness ( I am not married and I don't have kids) I am not yet thirty but still---when everyone else around me is getting engaged or having babies I have to wonder if I will ever have my turn---it is already hard to find that perfect somebody to share life with but I feel like I have all odds against me because of me being overweight and bald on top---my mom told me today that I should make a plan and lose weight--I almost lost my cool---damn near wanted to scream on the top of my lungs and tell her to just imagine what I feel--do you think I want to look like this???? this world is harsh and sometimes I don't think I am can make it through it--no bombs are not blowing up outside my door and there is no nuclear plant ready to explode but aren't I entitled to feeling the way I do---I hear other women hear saying to be strong and that we are all beautiful--right now I feel like that is a bunch of crap b/c we all know that feeling of being stared at for the wrong reason---sorry for feeling so negative but I just don't know anymore---the hair loss and eating is just a vicious cycle--my endocrinologist told me that if I loose the weight which I need to do then (for fertility reasons--I am not diabetic!) I will have more hair loss--he put me on a weight loss pill but my heart rate gets up really high and I start having palpitations----I am at a lose-lose no matter which way I look at it---
Comment by Tallgirl on March 23, 2011 at 12:25am
Sometimes it helps to reread what you just wrote but pretend it is from a twelve year old, favorite niece. What advice would you give her? Does this change what you would say to yourself?
Comment by Kimberly Williams on March 23, 2011 at 4:37am
I cried when I read what yourself and MI had to say because believe me I too have been in your shoes! But that was then and this is now. I too have been over weight to the tune of 290lbs but that was something that I didnt like and I could change.... But I did it for me! Not because someone else wanted me to. And as for suicidal .... Ive been there as well I have the scars to prove it. But im no longer that girl! I didnt let alopecia win. I took control back of my life! I said no more hiding and being afraid of someone finding out or even wondering if they did would they still be my friend! Screw that crap!!!!!! Look im here whether anyone likes it or not!!!! I am worthy of love respect and admiration and so are the both of you! Im asking for your friendship at this point.... And I am here as living proof that things can be different. But you are the ones who have to make the changes on how you see yourselves. I can throw you a rope but its up to you to grab it!
Comment by Lee on March 23, 2011 at 4:44am
I went thorugh the samething in the begining. I promise, it gets easier! Look into therapy. It can help. Also, remember that alopecia is on the outside, so you can still have control over that. What I mean is- I suggest that if you want your own hair back, get something as close as possible to it. It might be expensive, but it will make you feel so much better! When I got my vacuum wig, ( not that Im suggesting them- get whatever works for you), I felt like I had my life back! When I got my eyebrows tattood, I felt the same. It's not cheap, but you can make youself look like you again. ; )
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on March 23, 2011 at 9:52am
I would like to thank-you all for your stories, and how you all deal with the whole hair loss thing.
MI,,I know how you feel as well,this whole hair thing can really mess things up and makes us feel like we are on a rollercoaster with our emotions.I sure do feel for you!!!
Kimberly..thank-you for your word of encouragement.
Lee,,,even though there are may techniques out there,I guess because it's not me I dont like it.But it's something I have to overcome ,which wont be easy.I see a psychiatrist over this and am on anti-depressants,but still walk out of his office thinking he thinks i am a really nut.
Stacey....I am glad I am not the only one going through the same wig emotions.I love all the styles,I feel comfy changing them as long as I am in my own home, but when we have to go out,,then that's when I start getting moody, i cry,I can't wait to get home cuase i get so afraid of what others will think. your testimony has had me read it a few times so far, it really is great encouragement.
Do you have any tips on how to maintain long curly wigs? I have 2 but find it tangles abit any idea what i should do?

Thank-you all on here may you all have a great day!
Lisa (scared one)


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