I was going ot shave my head that night I posted my blog about ,its time to go" and when that night came I went into the washrrom pulled out hubby's shaver , put it on, and as I got close to my head I chickened out!! Thought to myself NO BLOODY WAY!!
Yesterday evening came around and my hubby asks me well thought we was going to shave your head, I looked at him and he could see I was sad and altho I was, I was also scared .
My husband said c'mon I'm gonna help you get this done, you'll feel so much better.So with all that said, I NOW HAVE A SHAVED HEAD!!
You know they say girls with heair spend alot of time in front of a mirror trying to look great, well I got news for them I haven't stopped staring at myself,,haha! The second I seen myself i thought OMG i look like a damn freak.I cried alot, when my husband looked at me he said, WOW I could swear you look like that Occonor singer, It made me feel better and then thought hmmm you're right I'm pretty damn hot loking aren't I,LOL I am ok wiht being shaven for now i'm hoping ot feel alot better about it as time goes on.
I was thinking of posting some pictures up of what I look like but I will once I get used to the real me .
I thank you all for your support especially the 2 Susan's that replied to my last post and Good ol'Norm for making me laugh, i'll have to check out the shades thing see if they really do slide back down,,LOL
Love yall and have a wonderful week-end xox

Views: 5

Comment by Tiffany P on June 18, 2010 at 8:42am
awesome! also its so great to have that support. i hope your feeling great today and realize that with or wihtout hair you still got it. :o)
Comment by David A on June 18, 2010 at 9:03am
Wow, I totally get your reaction. It was similar for me when I shaved. (In fact my picture is literally the first moment when I saw my shaved head).
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 18, 2010 at 9:20am
I can't wait to see how beautiful you are, doesn't it feel better? The freedom, yes it takes awhile to get used to seeing yourself in the mirror but from my first day I never covered up my head and you now what? People forget you don't have hair! People notice your bright eyes more and your smile and see just how happy you are, and when you show the world your happy and content it really shows. Try not to cover up for them (those with hair) make them accept your beautiful baldness. Hugs
Comment by Mary on June 18, 2010 at 10:11am
Congratulations! You WILL get used to the new you, the real you. Taking some nice photos is a good idea. We even put a couple up around our house to go with all the old ones of us where I have hair.
Comment by Michelle on June 18, 2010 at 10:57am
GREAT for you. the first time is hard but give it a few days. I had the same reaction but 3 months down the line i love my shaven head. If you decide to shave it more often try a head blade. It is WOW and it makes it so easy to shave your own head. My hubby used to help but since i got a head blade i've been doing it myself and it is fun. Welcome to freedom.

have a great week end Lisa
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 18, 2010 at 11:10am
David A, I forgot to mention that you look great, serious but great. Loved the pic.
Comment by Norm on June 18, 2010 at 1:31pm
L-L! Congrats! I know it's scary, but isn't it fab at the same time??
Now for some serious advice.... the shades-on-the-head thing.... there's actually a balancing point, where they'll stay pushed up on top. Not far enough and it's sore nose time... but too far and you'll look like you've got eyes in the back of your head (although, with the shades now upside-down, peeps might think your head is, too). :)
Oh OK... I wasn't that serious after all :)

Anyway, just give the new shiny head a few days while you get used to it, and then once you've been out a few times, you'll realise that what Sue P/DGADBS sez is true - peeps don't notice you're bald any more. I STILL get people asking if they can borrow my comb. (I carry it to scratch that bit of your back you just.... can't.... quite.... reach.... maybe they wanna put a piece of paper over it and make buzzing noises... I dunno.) :)
Comment by David A on June 18, 2010 at 2:17pm
Susan Peters, Thanks! That look on my face is shock. ;) My head was shaved without a mirror. Last time I saw myself before that, the hair I had was down to the upper-mid of my back.
Comment by Mary on June 18, 2010 at 3:35pm
Another thing - when I shaved my head, I started working on evening up the color so that my scalp would match my forehead. I went out in the backyard in a sunhat that doesn't have a top! Looked funny, but it worked! I feel much better with nice, all-over color (though in my case, it's all still pretty pale!)
Comment by Norm on June 18, 2010 at 3:43pm
Ahhh, but Mary.... you might be pale, but you look interesting too.... :)


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