Washing what I have left of my natural hair I noticed a toony size bald spot right by my temple area.I stared at it for a few seconds,then continued styling what I had over it and noticed I wasn't covering it well, took yet another look, stared at it, and said out loud," that's it, its time to go". These patches keep apearing and i'm getting sick of trying to hide it. SHAVE SHAVE SHAVE here I come!! I feel good at the moment that its all coming off tonight but i'm not sure how I will feel once its gone, so i'll keep yall posted.
Until then hope you all have a wonderful day! xox

Views: 3

Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 16, 2010 at 3:24pm
Makes it a lot easier to apply sun screen too, I say GO FOR IT ALSO!
Comment by Norm on June 16, 2010 at 4:02pm
Hey, LL, just hang on before you start to listen to all these Crazy Susans... :) .... suss a few things out before you go for the Big Chop - have a think about where you'll stop when you wash your face!!! They never told you THAT, did they??? Or about being careful pushing your shades on the top of your head, cos they just slide right back down again.... :)
Naaah, they're right, actually. JFDI, as we say in the world of I.T. when it gets to "make or break" time.... you'll feel soooooo much better afterwards!


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