Grateful for the things I have, not what I want!

iT'S been quite a rough past week, probably worst week i've had in a while, and its all over my damn hair! (pardon my french :)
I found myself awaken around 3 a.m everyday for the past week, only to think about my hair, will it ever grow back?, what did I do to deserve it?,how much worst is it gonna get?, all this over tears, well at least no one seen me .
I woke up this morning did my normal things around the house and decided to enjoy the fresh air out in my yard.
As i'm sitting down here comes this stray cat that I have been feeding for 2 years now due to someone throwing him out.(I call him Sam) Sam jumps on my lap and just stares into my eyes which spooked me,,lol anyhow while i'm petting him i think look at you Sam, helpless,homeless,depending on me to feed you, what life is that? and here I am crying over STUPID hair, things could be a whole lot worst!!!
After thinking that I called the ASPCA and decided to do good for one that was suffering and am happy to say that Sam will now have a home as of next Friday!

I know that not having much hair to no hair at all is very tough,,I am there like many of you, BUT if you look around abit you'll see that some people have it so much worst than you do,(even tho my story was that of a cat but still).Homeless people, terminally ill people and so forth.

May you all have a fantastic week-end!! Love you all :)

Views: 2

Comment by lucey smith on June 15, 2010 at 6:20am
after reading this has made me feel a whole lot better
i cry nearly everyday about my hair and my worst fear is losing all my hair
i would love to talk to you about this all ( only if you wont to though)
ive had alopecia since i was about 8 now im 13 and its got alot worse and talking to all of you may help us all to get better and not get to stressed and all help each out (: loveyou all xx
Comment by lynne on June 15, 2010 at 4:46pm
hey lisa wat a great story u have wrote it is amazin how u can think its the end of the world because our hair has fell out, altho i lost my hair within 2wks so didnt have much time to think about it, but i try to tell myself that everyday, my boss has kidney failure and is goin thro a very difficult time and my colleague has just been off with mouth cancer so yeah there is people worse off and im grateful that im not ill it is still hard everyday but we will all get there,

luceyit must be really hard for u goin thro this at such a tough age but u will come thro it a much stronger woman keep in touch with everyone on here for support everyday anytime and u will get thro it, take care both of uz xx
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 16, 2010 at 9:37am
Hi girls,
Lucey i'm sorry your going through that especially at such a young age,I know you will get through this,you'll face some ups and downs as i'm sure you know but it will get better!! so keep the chin up :)
Lynne,it's sad that others have it worst than us,much more painful than what we are going through,and so for that I am grateful its only a thing called "HAIR" that I have a problem with.
Dont get me wrong,it brings me down quite abit,altho I try my best to to think positive its hard just like it is for everyone I am sure, but I do have my good days and I know i'll get through it.
God Bless and have a great day!


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