Just an update from my blog I posted Friday about mixed emotions!
Saturday I was very nervous getting to the shopping center, but once I stepped in there, it wasn't about me,it was about my daughter and her grad dress,,instead of being scared of my hair, I found myself hiding back my tears seeing my daughter in the grad dress we bought her.
I got through my Saturday and my Sunday with my beautiful family whom I love dearly .
It was a happy week-end for me one I haven't had in a while, and I know deep down it will only get better!

Views: 2

Comment by Petra on June 7, 2010 at 4:07am
That is great. I am glad that you were able to forget about your hair and just enjoy the moment. Yes, It will only get better.
Comment by Ella on June 7, 2010 at 8:58am
Awww, this is great! It sounds like you had a wonderful, yet I am sure emotionally exhausting day. Congratulations to your daughter :) Make sure you bring extra tissues!!

All my best


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