So I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but I read on here about someone taking biotin, so I did some research on it and I've been taking it for a little over a month now. I dont want to get my hopes up, but I currently have ZERO bald spots and my thick hair is growing in! Also my nails stopped peeling and breaking once they got some length to them. Has anyone else had luck with Biotin? I'm definitely making sure I take it every morning and just hoping for the best! I posted a picture below of how my hair is today. :)

Views: 768

Comment by Alicia Mengel on September 15, 2011 at 3:59pm
I took Biotin for awhile, but I have universalis (I never had patchy just went from full head of hair to nothing over a few week time frame), an Biotin did not help. I am glad it helps you though!!
Comment by You can do it : ) on September 15, 2011 at 9:13pm
I have Areta and I take biotin every day I don't know if it necessarily helps but I am getting Injections also which do help
Comment by Ktownnana on September 18, 2011 at 8:16pm
I actually saw the results on a lady who took Biotin for 8 months and she could go without a wig. She was the owner of a wig salon who opened the business because of thinning hair. She did say it took 8 - 9 months before your hair would start coming back. Naturally, the first stop I made on the way home was to purchase some Biotin. I've been taking it for 5 months now. So far I haven't seen any results, but I'm going to continue for at least another 3 -4 months. If no improvement after that, I'll personally stop taking it.
Comment by Ktownnana on September 18, 2011 at 8:17pm
Tamara, I meant to say I am so glad it is working for you. Your picture looks great!


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