Lost an eyebrow, but still gaining hair and painful lymph nodes

I was sitting at my desk on wednesday when I looked down and saw what I thought were a bunch of eyelashes on my desk... my eyelashes shed a lot, but they have never been completely missing. I grabbed my mirror out of my purse and saw that I lost half of my left eyebrow, on my work desk. I have NEVER had it happen that fast before. My hair on my head fell out in spots in months, not all at one time. But apparently I rubbed my eyebrow the wrong way, because it was right in front of me on my desk! Luckily for the tattoo underneath, it just looks a bit lighter than my other, but nothing too noticeable.

I can't believe it, but I have a FULL head of hair still! Not one bald spot, and my hair is probably almost 2 inches long now. I actually use "Spike it" hair gell in the morning, and have some crazy bed head when I wake up. I didn't think this would happen for me, but its actually pretty cool to have something to run my fingers threw. Of course now people are telling me they love that I finally can grow some hair, but I look beautiful bald, and it would be OK if it fell out again, because I am an awesome bald person, lol.

Other than my hair being awesome for once, I found to lumps in my neck a while back and my boyfriend kept getting on me to go to the doctors and get them checked out, which I of course kept putting off. Well then they started to hurt, so I went. I had to get an ultrasound done and found out they are lymph nodes, that for some reason are swollen like I'm sick, but I'm not, and haven't been. The doctor said the normal size of a lymph node is 8-9mm. Well the ones in my neck are 16 and 19mm. So if they are still hurting and swollen this time next month, I have to have surgery on my neck to remove both of them. I wish they would just do it now, I'm tired of the neck pains. I wonder if they are like this because my immune system sucks? lol. Does anyone else have this problem? My boyfriend had the one in his arm removed and they messed up on the stitching and it looks horrible. I'm scared of having them do surgery on my neck, hopefully its a small scar...

Attached is a photo of me today, with my grown out bleached hair. Everyone thinks I did this on purpose, but its definitely just grew out from the last time I bleached it, lol

Views: 136

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 30, 2011 at 11:25am
Hi Tamara!

Congrats on the hair return, you do look great and I do agree with your friends that you look great either way.

Wow! I never thought about that. I guess it is true when they say that our hair is just in "resting/sleeping" stage and can grow back anytime. The fact that the bleached section came out! How long has it been since you had hair last and bleached it?

I hope the lymph nodes reduce the swelling on their own ;)
Comment by Tamara on September 30, 2011 at 11:47am
I bleached it about a month ago, so the dark is a month of growth.
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on October 1, 2011 at 11:02am
You can ask that a plastic surgeon close the incision - that way you can make sure you get a really nice incision. Swollen Lymph nodes are usually a sign of infection but since you are not sick I have no idea why they are swollen - I would want them out now as well!
Comment by cindy Babs on October 4, 2011 at 8:57am
Hey Tamara. U r so pretty anyway ...congrats on that Full head of hair! ! Were u ever universalis or just areata? Sending u a smile :)
Comment by Tamara on October 4, 2011 at 10:54am
Just sreata. It the worst part I was missing about 70% of my hair so I shaved it 9/01/10. Best decision ever!
Comment by Tamara on October 4, 2011 at 10:55am
Comment by laura on October 4, 2011 at 4:32pm
hi tamara,i must say i think you look really pretty bald and with hair,u have such a feminine face you could get away with anything! x
Comment by Tamara on October 6, 2011 at 10:13am
Thank you Laura :)
Comment by Julija on October 14, 2011 at 6:38am
Hi Tamara very nice picture :) i have been try a lot about information for hair loss and possible cause of and found lot information about Cytomegalovirus as a big risk for hair loss also causes lymph nodes and headache,maybe is not that but as sounded some of the symtomes i thinked should let you know in case you are not informed already.Also am thinking of doing this test to see if i have it but the problem is not all labs do the test..


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