I have lived with Alopecia Universalis since I was two years old. Without this disease, I probably would be a completely different person. I consider myself a little stronger, more compassionate, and less judgmental because of AU.

I am scared to show everyone who I really am though. I have hid underneath a wig for almost 13 years now. I'm not afraid to not have my hair on around my close friends and family, but I am very scared to walk out without it. I am trying to build up confidence to go out and do it, but I go to a big university where I feel I would be judged.

One step at a time though...

Views: 153

Comment by Jean on January 26, 2013 at 2:11am

I think that when you get to university, you will find that people are less judgmental. You may even find others with AU!

Comment by Donna on January 26, 2013 at 5:51pm

Anyone who judges you negatively...that says more about them then you. I hope that at some point you can stand in the light of who you really are...hair or no hair. Unconditional love starts with loving ourselves first:) Be at peace....

Comment by David on January 28, 2013 at 10:20pm

I've had AU since I was 5 years old. I never wore a wig but used to never go outside without a ball cap. I finally decided to go without when I was a Senior in High School. I was so stressed out but people didn't even say anything. In the long run, it really does keep people's curiosity low enough where they don't stare. I just wish there was something a guy could do for eyebrows.

Comment by april on January 30, 2013 at 12:19am

I did not loose my hair completely until adulthood, so I feel as if you have been through much more in having to deal with mean kids, etc...
But I too, used to wear the wigs and or hats all the time. I told myself, "I want to get the nerve to just ditch all this and be who I am". I can promise you, once I did, I felt so much freedom and peace in just letting the world in on it. I encounter hundreds of people each day and I am told so many times,that people admire my strength and that I seem very confident. After awhile, it is just normal and you will feel so much better. You are right, I think if you were to interview most people with this disease, you would find people who are kinda nd have a heart for others.I would like to find a super comfortable wig though for really special occasions. Sometimes, you just don't want to be noticed so much. :)

Comment by Catherine on March 24, 2013 at 1:56am
thank you everyone for your advice and support! I have made the decision of showing my beautiful bald self. no more hiding!
Comment by Jean on March 24, 2013 at 2:49am

Good for you!


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