More hair shedding! Depression is getting worse

Ok, so more and more of my hair is coming out and I am getting scared I am going to lose all of it...I have been using the olux foam as the Dr prescribed and it does not seem to be helping...It has been a month and see no change or regrowth, in fact I have gotten two more spots..Has anyone ever experienced more itchying and hair loss while using the Olux foam? Also, head seems to be red and irritated more so than before, not sure if it's from the foam or just my body...Around the patches I can pull a ton of hair out...So scared can anyone help with my question please?...

Views: 39

Comment by soniamarry on October 7, 2010 at 1:04pm
I am so sorry to hear that Trish. I would call the derm and explain to him what is happening. Maybe he can prescribe you something else. Do u see any more hair coming in where the other is falling out? Maybe the new hair is pushing out the old one. Keep me posted girlie!
Comment by Trish on October 7, 2010 at 1:07pm
Hi Sonia, I see no signs of new hair what so ever..I am so depressed..
Comment by soniamarry on October 7, 2010 at 1:13pm
it's ok calm down. we will figure something out!!!! :)
Comment by Trish on October 7, 2010 at 1:16pm
Sonia, I am so depressed...Truly not sure how I feel right now, I know I have this website and all you wonderful people to help pull me through, but I am getting weaker by the second...I just want my hair and life back..Now that I see more hair coming out I am starting to hit rock bottom...By the way, Thanks girl!!
Comment by BT on October 7, 2010 at 2:54pm
Trish - I agree with Soniamarry. I think you need to contact your derm and explain your symptoms. It won't hurt and maybe it will help you feel better. Hang in there Sweetie!!!
Comment by Chefpam on October 7, 2010 at 2:55pm
I feel the same way. Hugs to you.
Comment by Trish on October 7, 2010 at 2:58pm
Thank you Becky..Chefpam- Hugs to you too..
Comment by Heather L on October 7, 2010 at 4:18pm
Hey Trish-

So Sorry!! I do agree it's always a good idea to contact your doctor with your concerns.... so give him/her a call.

I did want to chime in and share that I LOVE OLUX! Think I am addicted to it... I freak when I run out.
I've been using it daily for 7 years and have never had a problem with it. One common reason Steroids (
which Olux is...) are prescribed to help with irritation and redness... inflammation in general - so I'd be
surprised it that is the culprit behind what you are experiencing. Also I don't think a month is enough time
to give it to see if it will help you or not... my doc. always says for anything new to give it three months.

It is a strong steroid - and made for scalp use only - so it can cause acne on your face/neck- so be sure to not let it run.

For me - and I have had AA off and on for 20 years now... redness, some minor tenderness and on occasion
itching occurs when I am getting a new spot or my AA is very active. My doctor tells me that it is the
increased white blood cells "Attacking" the hair follicles. Basically the inflammation that occurs from the
AA itself.... and for me the Olux helps to calm it down.

Unfortunately the Olux cannot help new spots from forming!! It has helped mine spots to re-grow hair more quickly and helps to control the size of the spots.

Just a thought for your discomfort... when I do have a very sensitive spot ( redness/itchy) I find either aloe or neem oil very helpful. ( caution the neem oil works very well but is stinky & messy!!! so I'd try aloe first.) I actually have an aloe plant in my sunroom and I just break a little piece off and rub it all over the spot -- not sure if there is any difference between using aloe directly from the plant or in lotion or gel???
Comment by Chefpam on October 7, 2010 at 8:51pm
Hey Heather. I was told that prolonged use of steroids can lead to Cushings Syndrome. I am surprised you have been using this for 7 years. I asked my dr for a prednisone pack and he wouldn't even agree to that. I have to wait a month to get in to see a derm......
Comment by Heather L on October 7, 2010 at 10:43pm
Hello Chefpam!

Yes - I am aware of that. And of course have concerns about the length of time I've been using Olux. However I have talked in detail about this with my doctor. The doctor believes that although a topical steroid is absorbed through the skin that the amounts are so low that it is not a big concern. In addition - I do get cortisol tests .... hoping to monitor levels in my body to be sure I'm not putting myself at a high risk for any adrenal conditions/diseases.

I've thought many times about stopping it.. .and just let what will be... be. But so far I am not brave enough-- I am terrified of going bald. But if I were to start having any other physical symptoms or condition appear I would stop the Olux. So far so good.. .and it does work.

Also - for what it is worth my doctor says that the amount of absorption from a topical steroid is not even comparable to taking prednisone. ( even stated that it's not close to those who use inhalers...) If you have the inclination to mention this to your doc - it would be great to hear a second opinion! She also said that the first sign that I was absorbing to much would be scalp atrophy. ( which I do not have)


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