I finally had the courage to post my first bald picture today, I was scared thinking what would everyone think?
I supose that is my only fear in life, I of course never walk around my home like as zi know I get strange looks from my kids,I feel like i'm an embarrasemnt to the and I always have to wear a crazy bandana over my head which normally gives me a massive headache.
I only want one wish in life and thats to have my children accept me for who I am, and maybe one day they woud understand the way i have to live my life.
my hsband tells me it dont bother him to see me blad because he'd love me no matter what and that it doesn't bother him. Olything is,,when I watch tv and some pretty woman is on the air i feel like a real disapointment to him, i think look what he looks at i bet he'd rather her over me. Not a great thing to think but hey it''s what I feel.
All I want to do is to be free and be myself no matter what others think but man it's VERY hard and thats what mkes me have all these mood swing.
All I cna do now is pray and hope one day I will live normal but I kniw that wont happen will it.

Signed sad Lisa

Views: 40

Comment by liselle on March 29, 2011 at 7:41pm
Please don't be sad.
I think you are a very beautiful woman.
Take a look around this site. All of the bald women are absolutely stunning.
Focus now, on not your hair. But ALL of your other beautiful features.
Your loving heart.... and beautiful soul. Your kindness, your ability to love others....
Even one day just have a look at your face. You will realise that your features are truly wonderful.
Yes, I know that every second of every day is a CONSTANT up and down with acceptance.
That is something I am struggling with too.
But as someone here recently told me, "life is too short to be sad. Why are we punishing ourselves by being sad?"...... so true.
I find AW to be a place of solace. I'm sure you will find much comfort here too.
((((( hugs )))))
Comment by Elizabeth on March 29, 2011 at 11:05pm
I noticed my son didnt have a problem with me not having hair til i started acting like I had a problem with being bald...when we act like we don;t have a problem,...they may initially be a little uncomfortable...but it's not them its us...so the sooner we just be us and accept us the sooner we will allow others to pick up on that energy....
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 30, 2011 at 12:03am
BALD AND FABULOUS !!!! and don't ever forget that. Your pic is beautiful. I know how you feel ... I feel more embarrassed showing my friends and family my bald look than showing complete strangers. I finally got the courage to go swimming lately where I'm sporting my bald at public pool but I feel as if I disappoint or embarrass those close to me. Hang in there, its all part of the stages of acceptance and we will get there.
Comment by Pamela Rosse on March 30, 2011 at 12:05am
Lisa my Alopecian Sister you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Comment by Julie G on March 30, 2011 at 8:50am
Lisa, you are beautiful! Hair is just hair, it is an accessory! So choose to accessorize with a SMILE instead! I want you to take a bald picture with a smile on your face and you will see how beautiful you are! Don't be sad, we are all right here with you!
Comment by Becka on March 30, 2011 at 10:38am
You're beautiful!!! Walk around BALD AND PROUD!!! We are all here to support you! Our hair doesn't make us who we are! Your kids will love and accept you NO MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!!! Hang in there! It gets easier and it gets SO MUCH BETTER!!!! xoxo
Comment by Tallgirl on March 30, 2011 at 11:36am
I think maybe some of the fear and doubt comes from having fallen in love or gotten married while haired, then losing the hair mid-relationship or mid-marriage to a guy who initially chose us as haired women, or who complimented our hair, stroked our hair, bragged about our hair, recognized us in a crowd, looked for our hair coming down the street or into a restaurant, blah blah blah. After several experiences of long-haired men leaving for long-haired women when I had alopecia flare up, I now do NOT EVEN pursue men with hair. Look, maybe; pursue, no. At least I have better assurance that bald men will recognize some of my feelings about socializing, because they have already experienced some of this. (That's not to say that some might still want a haired woman, however.) I wish that when I was married, I had known about alopecia support group parties and groups, and had taken my ex so he could slowly meet the great, beautiful people there and get accustomed to something besides ex-band members or bikers still sporting long gray locks. Thank gosh you have so many opportunities in the media, in alopecia groups, and in magazines to show bald women and "desensitize" family members. Sounds, however, you just need some TIME to desensitize yourself, too. Start keeping a scrapbook on the coffee table of all the beautiful bald gals, to thumb through during those TV moments. I know...this transition takes a long time, and the truth is that not all men follow your inner transformations to acceptance. Maybe during those times of doubt, you could concentrate on the HUMAN and LOVING reasons he chose you, and create moments, events, dinners that remind you both of those. Same with kids: be that mom that they admire, enjoy and love!
Comment by Mary on March 30, 2011 at 4:51pm
Beautiful! Yes, smile! I know it's hard. I sent this photo out to all my friends and family the day I shaved off the last of my hair. I haven't looked back:

Be proud of who you are. The only way we'll all come to accept ourselves is to be ourselves.

Comment by Devin on March 30, 2011 at 5:31pm
Hello sad Lisa, I think you look great in your pictures and kids will always be embarrassed by their parents, I still cringe at the thought of my Dad cutting the front lawn in his long black socks when I was a kid. I think the fact that you have a husband that loves you and a family says that you’re doing pretty well in life dealing Alopecia and you should bring happy Lisa out to play for awhile!
Comment by Tuesday on March 30, 2011 at 9:19pm
You look beautiful. I'm not brave enough (not yet) to post a picture. Good for you! I understand your thoughts, though ... some days are harder than others. I suspect the more we push ourselves to be open, the easier self-acceptance becomes. And without hair - you look absolutely lovely.


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