yesterday I had decided to show everyone on facebook who I really am! I posted the same photo as I posted here and boy was I was surprised at the compliments I got about it.
It felt good knowing that no one has put me down but rather showed their love and support including my own father who told me <" wow that's not bad at all"
It all made me feel really beautiful now if I could just find the strentgh to see what tney see then maybe i'll feel better about myself.

Sometimes when I am watching commercials of all these beautiful women and their shampoo products, I think hmmm,,It's time they start showing women who are bald for say other commercials. so that people in this world know that we exist and if folks noticed about us more we'd stop getting stares all the time.

I also want to thank all of you who responded to my last post, I read every single one of them.
Some of you are very strong and I in hopes one of these days I would be just like you all.

Views: 53

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 31, 2011 at 10:09pm
Im so excited for you... keep up the wonderful work. It does get easier. You are beautiful.
Comment by Mary on March 31, 2011 at 11:41pm
Yes, isn't it just about time they started showing more women who look like us who aren't cancer patients in some TV drama? I get so fed up seeing bald leading men and models, but no women. We just have to be OUT's the only solution.
Comment by David B327 on April 1, 2011 at 1:29pm
Hi Lisa If you had the strangth to make the postings on this website and Facebook then you will eventually have the straength to go further, if that is what you want. You'll be fine.
Comment by Julie G on April 1, 2011 at 1:50pm
Hi Lisa, I didn't go on facebook yet about my alopecia, but I did take a big step today and I sent an email to all of my family members and a few friends and let them all know about my alopecia and that I have a wig now. So far I have an outpour of support, even from family members that I wasn't expecting it from. I did that because of this post. I felt inspired by you and wanted to "come out" to my family and friends about it too. I am going to let the rush of responses go thru with the email and then I am going to post it on fb, but not goin to be as brave as you to post a picture of my bald hair. I am very happy for you that you did what you did! Keep smiling!
Comment by Lorna on April 2, 2011 at 2:31pm
wow, I admire what you did and wish I had the courage to do the same. You must be so proud of yourself! Do you feel it was liberating in some way? Lx
Comment by Debbie on April 2, 2011 at 7:15pm
You GO girl! Good for you! I want to share something with you. I was at Dillard's Clinique counter this past week and there was a girl getting her makeup done who had alopecia! She was totally bald, and was rockin' that look. I had worn my wig out, because I am still a little shy about showing my bald head, but when I saw her, I got courage and took my wig off, too. I am in one of those inbetween stages where I have some hair growth, but only in back and some around my ears. It felt really freeing to see someone else so close to home who had courage to go without her wig, and I thought if she could do it, so could I.
Comment by Mary on April 2, 2011 at 7:27pm
Good for you, Debbie! Isn't it amazing how if there's another bald woman present, it's easier? That's part of why I thought of what has become International Alopecia Day. We need more of us OUT there!


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