New relationship and "miraculous" regrowth

I have had extremely extensive AA for the last 7 years, since I had a traumatic breakup, I had not dated anyone since, until 9 months ago, when I started seeing someone great, who accepts my alopecia and my hair system. We are keeping it "casual" but have so much fun together!! : ) Since we started seeing each other my hair has been growing back, the people at the salon I go to for my bonded-on hair system services even asked if I've been doing a new treatment to make my hair grow (I haven't!).

Every month more spots fill in, still not enough to think about ditching the system, but I am cautiously optimistic. I heard about a girl with AU who experienced complete regrowth after meeting a wonderful guy. Is it possible that romance and "sexy time" could have an affect on Alopecia? Any thoughts or personal experiences to add? Thanks!! <3

Views: 390

Comment by Tallgirl on May 6, 2014 at 11:07pm

Well, my social life at college brought ALL my AA hair back at age 20ish. I was then able to have hair through dating, courtship, marriage and children.

Then came the mother-in-law. I have had AT ever since her.

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on May 8, 2014 at 12:22am

Tallgirl!  You are crazy!  

Dominique!  I am truly happy for you!  My hair as been random as well.  But knowing that you met your friend while experiencing hair loss is one situation that you know you both can handle as a couple.  

Comment by Emenemely on May 10, 2014 at 2:25am

Now that I think of it, I had AU and once I started dating my boyfriend, my body hair and my eyelashes have grown back and my eyebrows are currently growing.  I'm starting to get a lot of regrowth spots in my head, I have to start shaving it off almost every week now. 

Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on May 29, 2014 at 2:20am
Got dumped for another woman, let's see if it all falls out again.
Comment by Piper on May 29, 2014 at 12:37pm

I had a similar experience. My Alopecia Areata would act up each time my relationships would start to sour or end.

When a new relationship began and I felt happy, my hair would fill in again. It seems ridiculous but I think the hormones or endorphin's from a new relationship stimulate regrowth.  Now if I could only find happiness outside of relationships. lol!

Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on May 29, 2014 at 10:41pm
I hear ya, Piper!


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