I thought i was coping with this ok... i thought i was accepting it... but today was bad, we are going out to the bar tomorrow, and its the first time since i shaved my head. i barely wear my wig now because i hate the feeling of it so much, so i figured i could find something to wear to make it look amazing without hair.. but everything looks ten times better when i put my wig on... i picked out a dress, and then put the wig on and my friends said, and i also agreed, that it looks way better! But i hate it... i just cried.. its not fair.. why cant i have hair... even if at some point it does grow back its going to take forever to grow in.. to the length i want.. Am i ever going to be able to accept this.. how long does it take because im tired of feeling that i look like an idiot
It hits you in waves. You will have good days and bad days. I think you should find a better feeling wig. My daughter's has become part of her. She is not comfortable without it on. She wears all lace wigs, and she knows she is gorgeous in it. Maybe that would help.
I have a hot fake-fur Russian-looking fashion hat, comfortable and lined, that I wear for winter parties sometimes. Great make-up (at mall?) and jewelry...warm, too. Try it.
HI there...it is very hard. I have really good days and then big crashes. Like Rose Marie said it takes time for your inside to catch up with your outside. Be patient and kind to yourself. You are doing better than you think. I think with wigs it takes time to find the right brand, style, etc. that is comfortable. Don't give up on them either. If there is a wig shop nearby it would help to go and try on a bunch to find a comfortable one. Hang in there. You might want to visit a site called wigsupport.com. They can tell you everything you would want to know about hair pieces.
Hi! Grandma Kay here. Coming up on 10 years with alopecia. Right now I can grow patches of white hair but not for me--prefer shaving my head. Have @ 40 hats, mostly newsboy. Also 3 wigs which are comfortable now but not so in Texas for 9 months of HOT! My spouse is super and supports whatever I choose for the moment. My grandkids took a few weeks for acceptance but that was a few years ago. Realize when you are going to turn 70 on Sunday, the opinions of others do not make or break the day. Having alopecia is not life-threatening--praise the Lord!
Hi. I just wanted to say that i shaved my head for the first time this year, in may. my new favorite things are newsboy hats and big earrings. it's harder to find hats since i get a little weirded out trying them on in the store by myself...but u can't try on a hat with a wig on! u need the perfect fit to work the hat with a bald head. or maybe you can learn how to re-size hats. all that to say- hats and earrings...and maybe awesome eye make-up...or just red lipstick.
i meant to say this too...it's not fair. i hate it too. some days i don't care and i love how i look and how fast i can get ready!! some days i cry and scream and throw wigs and hats and scarves. what i hate more than anything is how many times i hit my head on stuff- i never used to hit my head. hair must be like cat whiskers.
oooh, i know what you should do the next time you go out to the bar. then i'm not gonna comment anymore, i promise. get all your friends to go out with you to buy fun, party wigs in awesome colors. then you can ALL wear party wigs out! do it.
Hang in there. I was like this for about a year. It gets better.
Erika, I feel the same way. I shaved my head this last spring after being confronted with Alopecia for the first time in my life. It felt so liberating to take control over something that had total control over my hair. But I still have days when I feel so down, when I just want my hair back! The other day I had to fight tears while on my way to work, frustrated with not getting my false lashes on right, then deciding to go without. Eventually though, my focus became work and not myself, so I just plug away and carry on. I guess this is all part of the process of acceptance. Hang in there.
I really do appreciate all the comment and some really do make me feel better, knowing everyone has days like this... getting a wig is not so easy on me as I am 21, huge student loan to pay off, working minimum wage jobs.. saving for a wig is not something very easy to add to my list of payments... but now it has become a priority so its hard to decide whats needed and whats want, I just try to force myself to be happy with what i have and forget about the wig, but then i go out and get a funny look or something and then it all goes back to wanting the wig... i have a synthetic and i dont like it, it is soo itchy, im hoping to get the money for a freedom wig soon but its hard, my parents have been helping so much money wise during the past little while even before the hair stuff so asking them for even more money is just not something i can do... everyone always says this, but i just need to win the lottery!!
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