Now according to Dr. Oz.....I have a brain tumor?????????

I know today's Oprah show was a rerun, God knows I had several people tell me months ago the revelation that my hair loss was caused by a brain tumor!!!!!!! I finally caught the episode where the infamous Dr. Oz scared the livin' crap outta this poor lady, telling her that her hairloss (oh, by the way, I'd give the world to have what she had) that she could possibly have a brain tumor causing it...........NOW....anything is possible in this crazy world, but he highly recommended her having a brain scan. WELL, fellow Alopecians.....shall we all march down to the local clinic to go get our little heads xrayed??????????
Has anyone else been hoighly upset by this show????????? or even heard of the possible cause of hairloss could be a brain tumor??? :>(

Views: 2369

Comment by Tnabugg on July 21, 2009 at 11:48am
I saw that episode. I wasn't upset.. but in her case, she had a tumor and that was one of the side affects. It's not always the case for most. But at least we know it is a possibility as there are soooo many different things can cause hairloss.
Comment by Mary on July 21, 2009 at 3:16pm
AND we can't get Oprah interested in doing a show about us!
Comment by Heather L on July 21, 2009 at 4:52pm
Hello BK!!

I missed that show- however I am an Oprah fan! :) Not aware of a specific brain tumor that would cause hair loss- unless they are referring to a pituitary gland tumor (at base of brain). Do you remember if that is what it was? They can cause hair loss. Generally the pattern of hair loss would be more thinning all over
rather than triggering a autoimmune disease like AA. But would think although slim it is possible.
don't think an MRI would be ordered unless there were other accompanying symptoms. Most derms I do hope would order blood tests which would include hormonal testing- hopefully a complete picture of the endocrine system (changes in FSH, LH, ACTH, Cortisol etc.) !! You should have that done if you have not
already. Abnormalities in those test would be noted if there was a pituitary tumor. And then perhaps from there a MRI. Doc. may check things like coordination, reflexes, visions etc. If all that is ok- I wouldn't
worry about it! (also most pituitary tumors although may cause problems and need treatment/surgery - it is
rare for them to be cancer)
Comment by Nikki Mans on July 21, 2009 at 7:48pm
i want to go on oprah and bring my friends on alopecia world and tell them the truth about hairloss
Comment by Pamela Rosse on July 21, 2009 at 11:29pm
I saw it the first time it was on & I too was very angry. I agree with Nikki, Oprah should do a show on hair loss specifically Alopecia. Its so sad unless someone like Oprah or another celebrity gets on board then research takes off.
Comment by Pamela Rosse on July 21, 2009 at 11:49pm
How sad that we can not get the Oprah show to do a show about us. I'm a cock-eyed optimist though, what if we here at Alopecia World go to the Oprah web page to show ideas & inundate it with Alopecia, as the old song says "in numbers to big to ignore". Perhaps with such numbers they will take notice. We will need one or two specific persons for them to contact. For example Mary, being you have had media experience & of course Cheryl as she started this wonderful world. It's just an idea but as they say "nothing ventured nothing gained". Well fellow Alopecians what do you think, should we give it a go? I'm game.
Comment by Christine on July 21, 2009 at 11:50pm
Hi, I actually (many years ago) saw a young girl on Oprah who had AT demonstrate a freedom wig, or similar model, I never forgot it, and when I developed AA I remembered it, and was able to check it out, before I saw the Dr. I can't say that it was a in depth program, and if my memory serves me it was more about the amazing prosthesis, than the autoimmune disease that created the need. I wish that there was more media exposure to Alopecia, it is truly needed, with all the children and young adults affected I believe this would help not only with understanding and empathy but acceptance for the one with it also. I didn't see this episode, and have never heard of hair loss and brain tumors being connected, anything is possible and I think it's surly very rare, don't you? :-) Christine
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on July 22, 2009 at 2:10am
I just saw the show and the woman with the suspected tumor still had hair I would die for! It looked like she had just gotten a hair cut. Her hair loss seemed diffuse rather than spotty, which is the alopecia manifestation in which I and so many others on here are dealing. I am not sure Dr. OZ's findings apply to most of us. However, I do think he is a cutie and usually enjoy his positivity and good common sense advice : )
Comment by brenda kay on July 22, 2009 at 9:00am
l there you go.......i think if we all would write an e-mail to the oprah staff on behalf of our group to represent us, that making the world understand that sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to this disorder, to let people understand the daily world we ourselves face . What you guys think??????? bk
Comment by Mary on July 22, 2009 at 10:22am
If Oprah or anyone else eventually does feature us, I would like to see the focus NOT be on a makeover - giving us wigs so we can feel beautiful again. That's what shows tend to do. Shear Genius did it to a ridiculous degree ("these poor women need your help, hairdressers!")

I would like to see a national show focus on women with alopecia areata who are comfortable in their baldness, who want the freedom to choose public baldness the same way guys with hair loss can, and who are healthy and active physically (i.e., dispel the public conception that bald women are fighting life-threatening diseases.)

My two cents.


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